A reflection that seems important, concerns the dire need to restore the value system that has helped us grow and become a developed and rich country, but now he has forgotten the very foundations of its development that were rooted in the values \u200b\u200bhanded down by our culture.
I speak of extreme necessity not surprisingly, since every debate, every political and social reasons, which is exposed today, complaining about the loss of "values", identifying it as the greatest evil of our society and the very reason for its decline.
I agree with this analysis but would be good to find a solution beneficial to speak with clarity on what "values", especially to identify and then share them.
If there is a problem finding thousands of possible "values", reasoning based on a historical, cultural or political, the problem is with great evidence when you need to find a list in order of importance to these possible "values". My
reflection is then focused in finding the "lost value" to better interact with other values \u200b\u200bthat are fundamental to pin to start the restoration of many others.
In my opinion one of the most important is the "VALUE OF ABOUT.
This value must be a moral recognition and / or economic impact of individual and collective capacities that are expressed by the individual or a community, be it a company, a team of scientists, a voluntary association.
The recognition of the value of merit was slowly removed in the 60s and 70s under the influence of the labor movement supported the student movement, in contrast to an enterprise that exploited the meritocracy to divide the classes, focus on anti-union and anti-democratic attitudes, and used the prize to divide people between them. They were then phased out all the instruments of individual awards and was instead inserted in its place a concept of equality that homogenized the whole of society and scientific production, in a soup is no longer recognizable in its most valuable components.
The thrust of the best has always been invaluable to any company that grows and progresses.
E 'absolutely necessary to restore the recognition of the merits of those who work hard to improve his condition, of those who make risking his resources, who does his work a mission to serve society, people who obtain results useful to the community, who through his behavior is as beneficial for everyone, who has the ability to operate in precarious situations without burdening the company for its livelihood. The approval must go through a simple and transparent rules that allow the full affirmation of these principles. All of us must know when to stop encouraging friends and family to finally open the doors to recruit the best. We will not change anything unless we make room for excellence by continuing to promote mediocrity. We must aim to realize a true assessment system and shared can bring to light any possible potential, which can reward each person's value today is often ignored. This must be done in every area: from school to work, services, businesses, public or private life of every citizen. It must again be a strong feeling that the common practice of rewarding the best.
Our experience should help us restore this "value" by eliminating the possibility of restoring the old negative deviations as well, but if we really want to give new life and new impetus to all activities and positive energy, we must be able to reward those who are able to develop it. We must say clearly that the "best" are our champions and point to them to break the stalemate and inefficiency. This value can be of help to improve the quality of services, the containment of expenditure, improving the functioning of public and private companies, to reduce tax evasion. If this project will have the necessary support and especially the allocation of resources be sufficient to support it, will give the decisive push that will lead us finally out of the morass of dishonesty and cronyism finally routing the road to clear and robust real progress made through the guide competent and successful of the most 'GOOD.
Mario Marin
IDV Trieste
I speak of extreme necessity not surprisingly, since every debate, every political and social reasons, which is exposed today, complaining about the loss of "values", identifying it as the greatest evil of our society and the very reason for its decline.
I agree with this analysis but would be good to find a solution beneficial to speak with clarity on what "values", especially to identify and then share them.
If there is a problem finding thousands of possible "values", reasoning based on a historical, cultural or political, the problem is with great evidence when you need to find a list in order of importance to these possible "values". My
reflection is then focused in finding the "lost value" to better interact with other values \u200b\u200bthat are fundamental to pin to start the restoration of many others.
In my opinion one of the most important is the "VALUE OF ABOUT.
This value must be a moral recognition and / or economic impact of individual and collective capacities that are expressed by the individual or a community, be it a company, a team of scientists, a voluntary association.
The recognition of the value of merit was slowly removed in the 60s and 70s under the influence of the labor movement supported the student movement, in contrast to an enterprise that exploited the meritocracy to divide the classes, focus on anti-union and anti-democratic attitudes, and used the prize to divide people between them. They were then phased out all the instruments of individual awards and was instead inserted in its place a concept of equality that homogenized the whole of society and scientific production, in a soup is no longer recognizable in its most valuable components.
The thrust of the best has always been invaluable to any company that grows and progresses.
E 'absolutely necessary to restore the recognition of the merits of those who work hard to improve his condition, of those who make risking his resources, who does his work a mission to serve society, people who obtain results useful to the community, who through his behavior is as beneficial for everyone, who has the ability to operate in precarious situations without burdening the company for its livelihood. The approval must go through a simple and transparent rules that allow the full affirmation of these principles. All of us must know when to stop encouraging friends and family to finally open the doors to recruit the best. We will not change anything unless we make room for excellence by continuing to promote mediocrity. We must aim to realize a true assessment system and shared can bring to light any possible potential, which can reward each person's value today is often ignored. This must be done in every area: from school to work, services, businesses, public or private life of every citizen. It must again be a strong feeling that the common practice of rewarding the best.
Our experience should help us restore this "value" by eliminating the possibility of restoring the old negative deviations as well, but if we really want to give new life and new impetus to all activities and positive energy, we must be able to reward those who are able to develop it. We must say clearly that the "best" are our champions and point to them to break the stalemate and inefficiency. This value can be of help to improve the quality of services, the containment of expenditure, improving the functioning of public and private companies, to reduce tax evasion. If this project will have the necessary support and especially the allocation of resources be sufficient to support it, will give the decisive push that will lead us finally out of the morass of dishonesty and cronyism finally routing the road to clear and robust real progress made through the guide competent and successful of the most 'GOOD.
Mario Marin
IDV Trieste