are Mario Marin, provincial coordinator of Trieste, Italy of Values, Organizational Secretary and board member of Regional Italy of Values \u200b\u200bFriuli Venezia Giulia.
first employee and then craftsman entrepreneur in the field of communication and 'information technology with years of experience in publishing and editorial advertising.
I worked and still work in the field of image and communication dedicated to big industry.
than 40ennale My experiences with the working world of engineering and professional work has given me the impetus for today actively involved in politics and the problems associated with workers' lives, whether they are employees or self-employed.
I worked for almost 15 years in the office of advertising Grandi Motori Trieste, I left the employment giving rise to Publifoto Trieste who has worked for various companies primarily in the Arsenale Triestino Trieste S. Marco until its closure, and then also experiencing the difficult labor of the workers due to that event.
a reality to me very well-known is the port of Trieste, where I got to work and know the problems associated with it also giving personal contributions in respect of the recovery of the old port and especially the central hydrodynamic placed in it. The
requiring regular development of Trieste, its industry, port, service, craftsmanship and the self are the primary reasons are for me in which to carry out my political action.
My commitment is to work:
- for the development of industry, research and the port of Trieste, for job creation and job quality and workers in Trieste;
- for a tough fight against tax evasion Tax and work create disturbance on the black market is hurting all the honest entrepreneurs who are alert to prevent accidents and paying taxes;
- the optimization and reorganization of public services by encouraging and rewarding the development of skills and expertise, eliminating duplication and institutions useless;
- for the development of computer networks, from offices to homes of citizens, in order to promote a transparent and efficient administration;
- for a development compatible with the environment and health of citizens and workers ;
- to put safety at the heart of the city in all its aspects, social, economic, health,
- to close the era waste of immorality and "no se pol" but to seize the opportunities of a new development full of merit and morality.
first employee and then craftsman entrepreneur in the field of communication and 'information technology with years of experience in publishing and editorial advertising.
I worked and still work in the field of image and communication dedicated to big industry.
than 40ennale My experiences with the working world of engineering and professional work has given me the impetus for today actively involved in politics and the problems associated with workers' lives, whether they are employees or self-employed.
I worked for almost 15 years in the office of advertising Grandi Motori Trieste, I left the employment giving rise to Publifoto Trieste who has worked for various companies primarily in the Arsenale Triestino Trieste S. Marco until its closure, and then also experiencing the difficult labor of the workers due to that event.
a reality to me very well-known is the port of Trieste, where I got to work and know the problems associated with it also giving personal contributions in respect of the recovery of the old port and especially the central hydrodynamic placed in it. The
requiring regular development of Trieste, its industry, port, service, craftsmanship and the self are the primary reasons are for me in which to carry out my political action.
My commitment is to work:
- for the development of industry, research and the port of Trieste, for job creation and job quality and workers in Trieste;
- for a tough fight against tax evasion Tax and work create disturbance on the black market is hurting all the honest entrepreneurs who are alert to prevent accidents and paying taxes;
- the optimization and reorganization of public services by encouraging and rewarding the development of skills and expertise, eliminating duplication and institutions useless;
- for the development of computer networks, from offices to homes of citizens, in order to promote a transparent and efficient administration;
- for a development compatible with the environment and health of citizens and workers ;
- to put safety at the heart of the city in all its aspects, social, economic, health,
- to close the era waste of immorality and "no se pol" but to seize the opportunities of a new development full of merit and morality.