Italy is really a strange country, all over the world, the winners of state lotteries have a full-page pictures in newspapers and magazines, not in Italy! The justification
circulating "nonsisàbenedachidetta" is the winner because it is protected from possible problems.
But what problems are longs?
You want to believe that perhaps the problems you might have after winning a few million euro are different from those millions of euro's has always been there?
The problems generated by a big gain of money, are equivalent to those that the rich have moved with their beautiful cars, aircraft / helicopters, living in their beautiful houses, wearing their expensive jewelry, and frequenting the many places "to the page" that exist in Italy and worldwide.
And then the popularity, in my opinion, can be a valuable protection for those who become a millionaire rather obscure anonymity which leaves him helpless prey to secure any form of looting. So why hide
winning the lottery? Who asks and who wants it?
I'm sure nobody would forego if it were required to fill in the coupon on the back write your name and surname. No waiver of winning millions because they will then put in the papers. I observed the pleasure
appearance of the Italians, demonstrated by the various reality TV shows and participation in the casting of the same crowded, it seems unlikely that this could be a valid reason to justify such a strict anonymity for those who play and win.
The question rather makes me suspect that (Andreotti sign) so perhaps it is easier to engineer the fraud.
The fact that millions of euro are controlled by a 'small number of people put me in a certain preoccupation.
circulating "nonsisàbenedachidetta" is the winner because it is protected from possible problems.
But what problems are longs?
You want to believe that perhaps the problems you might have after winning a few million euro are different from those millions of euro's has always been there?
The problems generated by a big gain of money, are equivalent to those that the rich have moved with their beautiful cars, aircraft / helicopters, living in their beautiful houses, wearing their expensive jewelry, and frequenting the many places "to the page" that exist in Italy and worldwide.
And then the popularity, in my opinion, can be a valuable protection for those who become a millionaire rather obscure anonymity which leaves him helpless prey to secure any form of looting. So why hide
winning the lottery? Who asks and who wants it?
I'm sure nobody would forego if it were required to fill in the coupon on the back write your name and surname. No waiver of winning millions because they will then put in the papers. I observed the pleasure
appearance of the Italians, demonstrated by the various reality TV shows and participation in the casting of the same crowded, it seems unlikely that this could be a valid reason to justify such a strict anonymity for those who play and win.
The question rather makes me suspect that (Andreotti sign) so perhaps it is easier to engineer the fraud.
The fact that millions of euro are controlled by a 'small number of people put me in a certain preoccupation.
It seems incredible that can be given a reasonable explanation for a procedure in all respects as if made to hide something and at the same time does not lead to any successful promotion lottery itself. Imagine what a beautiful
advertising if Mr. John Smith of Milan is interviewed on the news of RAI 1 and asked how to invest its capital?
What problems would we? I do not see even find that people would feel more encouraged to see groped their luck in the face of the lucky winners.
Transparency is an absolute value that can only bring good. Transparency means to drive away the darkness of the underworld and the temptation to commit a crime.
Transparency means, "everything here is clean and clear so that you can trust"
Giusto would be for all lotteries, for amounts exceeding € 10,000 will require transparency in the name of the game and make it public at the time of winning.
A choice of civilization of clarity and honesty.
Mario Marin
advertising if Mr. John Smith of Milan is interviewed on the news of RAI 1 and asked how to invest its capital?
What problems would we? I do not see even find that people would feel more encouraged to see groped their luck in the face of the lucky winners.
Transparency is an absolute value that can only bring good. Transparency means to drive away the darkness of the underworld and the temptation to commit a crime.
Transparency means, "everything here is clean and clear so that you can trust"
Giusto would be for all lotteries, for amounts exceeding € 10,000 will require transparency in the name of the game and make it public at the time of winning.
A choice of civilization of clarity and honesty.
Mario Marin