It 's true, Trieste is the city in many ways the "No se pol. No this, no that, no to everything that is proposed. It 'just from here that we have thoroughly analyzed the issue.
What is proposed is at face value or projects are really poor and not suitable to the potential of this city?
Trieste and its port , we often hear that chant again this probably comes from far away to remember a fact that seems to exist but that, with current affairs, is still an undeniable asset for one more great opportunity for revival and development.
Today the port langue? Trieste languishes with him!
What has been done in sixty years to the port of Trieste?
This was weakened left to decay, and bad for a budget upgrade facilities, to create new road and rail links for maintaining competitive market, and due to perform the necessary maintenance of equipment and stores and lacking in good time to adjust policies to those made in the port of Trieste major European ports.
Trieste did not deserve this.
After a war that did wipe out a large part of its territory to the city by charging a higher price in both economic terms and in structural terms.
not what we wanted to invest in this city, was still left, its port.
Today, what is proposed for an imaginative economic recovery are:
1) The park of the sea - (Genoa, which teaches "sure to fail I would say" we encounter). We are not a tourist town, though timidly something happens.
A tourist city must rely on thousands of tourists a week, on a side of hotels, restaurants, bars, shops 24/24, to be able to get even with the investments made for any equipment type "park of the sea." Where are all these things? It was also decided recently to close on Sundays, the large shopping centers. What is a tourist to do in Trieste? (Excuse the brutal application)
2) The recovery of the old port city - To make what? Parking, walking and beautiful buildings / houses? That these solutions will give some more service to motorists and / or citizens, or some big economic return to the powerful lobby of builders, but it certainly will not create opportunities for economic development and real growth for our city.
3) The plant - plant that will employ, say, a hundred employees, but accompanied by a huge security problem with mobility problems port disbursements and probably with considerable economic potential for the community. Yes, because if this system were not working as expected (and this is a low probability), the cost of such loss would fall under contract for the community. And one last but not least consider: the bunkers, production facilities of electricity and heating, in houses and villas in which we live, are placed in remote corners, and more hidden and unnecessary in the garden instead assign to welcome guests and to relax surrounded by greenery and beautiful. In this case, instead of huge bins of various fuels and energy generating plants, where we put them? In view of the sea, where to download even sewage, waste and various junk, in spite of the tourist town!
This explains the reason for the "no se pol. Trieste I'm not a Third World population with which they can barter with glass beads (park of the sea, the recovery of the old port and LNG terminal) in exchange for gold that we own, consisting of a wonderful land of great value, potentially suitable for all port activities (our waters are unique in the Adriatic), but potentially suitable for any other initiative, however, has characteristics of high quality for environment and land and an equally high profitability both in economic terms and in terms of employment, these conditions are essential for balanced growth and socially positive.
Give all to do to finally make the Trieste city that deserves to be!
Mario Marin
Mail: mmarin@spin.it