Sunday, December 21, 2008
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
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- "In relation to your request, I confirm the unavailability of the council chamber when shooting are not conducted by newspapers or on behalf of the Administration. A
so even after the unanimous opinion of the Conference of Group Leaders " - with this quick and concise reply, the president clears a citizen's right to" put the nose "in the building.
If true that the law allows some distinction in this direction is also true that with this reply, it shows how great is the distance that now separates the citizen from the institutions. Motivating this decision with due consideration of any merit was essential but obviously it was not considered necessary to give explanations to those who, in a spirit of service, calls for transparency in the overall interest of the citizens.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bdoes not accept this line and the challenges obscurantist views of this majority, it denounces the uncooperative attitude, and reserves taken further action to achieve the goal of a palace "transparent" as there are no vetoes of any kind for the city which is the true and only "master" of the building.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Detritivores, Scavengers, And Decomposers Similar
And what is a kiss? An apostrophe between the words I love pink, a secret that on the mouth.
And what is a kiss? A secret that on the mouth, a moment of infinity that the rustle of a bee among the plants.
And there the eyes closed / wild and passionate / With kisses four.
(J. Keats)
And wonder if this is not, what is called Love.
E 'sweet what you say, but the sweeter the kiss that I stole your mouth.
(H. Heine)
E 'live your life? and let it nourish! Leave no balconies to climb, nor white breasts on which to rest, nor the golden heads with pillows to be shared.
(Edgar Lee Masters, Spoon River Anthology)
And I did not say what that meant, I fell in love with you because tacevi.
We were together, all the rest of the time I forgot.
(Walt Whitman)
Make your love a rain of kisses on my lips.
As long as life, and the season of love / love to invite us .. Come my love,
and is filled with a delicious harvest of kisses.
(de Ronsard)
Fortunato's what I think of him who sits in front of you and hear your voice near the rice and melodious.
was your kiss, love, make me immortal.
(M. Fuller)
Jupiter, from above, laughs at the false oaths of lovers.
(Ovid, The Art of Loving)
The quarrels of lovers renew their love.
(Terence, Andria)
The guys who love kissing ... standing in the bright clarity of their first love.
The sun embraces the earth and the moonbeams kiss the sea. But what is all this kiss if you do not kiss me.
True love has never known so far.
I will Thank you, Love, of all pain and torment, and I'm glad now for every pain.
kissed my mouth all trembling. Jailbird was the book and who wrote it that day no more we read therein.
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unexpressed love is like wine kept in the bottle: it quenches the thirst.
(G. Herbert)
leave his secret love, the woman and her mysteries.
(J. Autran)
, is all we know of heaven, and how much is enough hell.
(Emily Dickinson)
But see it was love, only love her and love forever.
(R. Burns)
No one has ever betrayed by love is pure.
(Jaufrè Rudel)
die without dying summoned joy to others and think of the martyr himself and to forgo passing often in fear of fear, lust is lust in frenzy that is called love.
The first kiss of love lives on the earthly paradise.
totally immersed in the joy, wonder how I love so young could be so sweet.
(Robert Bridges)
In the calm and sweet eclipse where souls meet dell'Innamorata lips.
In love, you should never rush of pleasure.
In love there are no roads in the plan: they are all going uphill or downhill.
against a beautiful May, when it explodes all gems, then just popped in my heart is love.
(H. Heine)
No fire, no coal can burn as strong as a secret love, that nobody knows anything.
(Charles Morgan)
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Kiss 100 and 1000 times per hour and + if + you can even kiss: kissing your pareggino the stars, and their number doubles every hour.
(Bear Giustiniani)
Baciamoci, Amyntas mine, I kiss, if you kiss: kiss that kiss too.
(Cavalier Marino)
Kiss. Primula in the garden of caresses.
(P. Verlaine)
Well you do, Love, to celebrate the feast in your virginal February.
(Patmore, Valentine)
sweet mouth, speak or be silent if you are all love, you're all through, and always friendly, always lively.
Brinda to me only with your eyes ... or just leave a kiss in the cup, and do not ask wine
(B. Jonson)
CELAM you, where are the sweetest things hidden among the roots of roses and spices.
love means to act and get excited without respite.
(Emile Verhaeren)
Love, love, everything else is nothing.
(La Fontaine)
My friend, do not think about tomorrow and seize this moment of life spent together.
Love is credulous creature.
Love and cough can not be hidden.
love, sweet madness!
(Nicolas Chamfort)
Love, love, love bondage.
(La Fontaine)
Harmonious accents - flew from your lips, and eyes smiling - Venus shines through the slight and peaceful - the hope, tears and kisses.
(Ugo Foscolo)
Arricchiamoci of our mutual differences.
(Paul Valery)
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Jest with Fanti and let it be the Saints.
If you are close to sixty, and let women choose the wine.
If you have the money otherwise you are sitting upright.
If you have a bear for a friend, you will need rescue.
If soup is not wet bread. If you do not help thee
science, assigned to Providence.
If you are honest, God will do the rest.
If they are roses bloom, if they are thorns sting.
If you want the stuff you do, shut your mouth and move your arms.
If you want to feel good, eat little and sleep well. It is said
sin not the sinner.
It is the first boy and then a teacher.
soldier who flees, good for another time.
defects are less ridiculous that the qualities that we have not.
are the rags that are always in the air.
Narrow leaf, wide street, your say that I said mine.
Both the cat goes to the fat that it leaves its handle. Please
your mouth shut if you do not want to escape the gold of his mouth.
Easier said than done half the sea.
between husband and wife do not put your finger. Among
take it or leave it is necessary to think well.
donkey trot does not last long. You are
fox and I rate, you're smart but I'll pass.
All nodes come home to roost.
All's well that ends well.
caged bird does not sing for love, sing for rabies. A cherry
leads to another.
A great fear no physician care.
One hand washes the other and both wash the face.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A walnut
alone, does not sound in the bag.
A plant that has many fruits do not mature all. A
swallow does not make a summer.
A good game does not last long.
A bit 'to a never hurt anyone.
Forewarned is forearmed.
should be with those who are better than you and pagagli expenses. Old
patience with the prolonged existence.
see or touch is a thing to die. Dress up a pole that
t'appare nice.
lives well who takes the world as it comes.
Voice of the people, the voice of God
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The first is forgiven, the second stick.
Prudence is never enough. The wisdom of the past
feeds the hungry.
Hope is the last to die.
History is teacher of life.
Pride went on horseback and returned on foot.
The miser is like a pig, it's good after death.
The fox did not get to say that fat is rancid.
The rumors are not flour. Things become
long snakes.
vain words last as long as the circles on the water.
The weeds never die.
The grass is always greener.
eggs have nothing to teach the hen.
Opportunity makes the thief.
master's eye fattens the horse.
The eye is the mirror of the soul.
Out of sight out of mind.
The guest is like the fish smell after three days.
Idleness is the mother of vices.
He believes true anything he wishes.
Man proposes, God disposes.
who was never late.
Better a live donkey than a dead doctor.
Better alone than badly accompanied.
Mal common halved.
Better late than never.
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I made them aware of the pot lid.
good day starts in the morning.
The dog bites him ragged.
Coal or Scott or dyes.
The farmer has big shoes and brain up. The dentist
eat other teeth.
The hard part is to begin. The young
idle will be a needy old.
The early bird catches the worm.
The best mirror is an old friend.
The world is made to scale, there are those who go down there and who goes.
The leopard can not change its spots.
the deaf is that he does not want to hear.
The more they know the least.
rice have increased in the mouth of fools. The
satiated the hungry not believe.
Silence is golden.
The silence is often an eloquent sermon.
The mistake is never on one side.
The good thing too.
Good wine is sold is sold without bough.
Learn the art and put it aside.
In The Devil's Rejects does not speak of holy water. In
house of a gentleman born before the female and then the man.
God works in one hour.
The dirty clothes are washed in the family.
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Who is the cause of his pain, crying himself. Who has time
not wait long.
Who takes the win. Who makes the
who clamor against the accuser is wrong.
who take all the alleys, you will find many dangers.
Who leaves the old road to the new one, knows what he leaves but that it finds.
Who leads on the first, leads twice. Who sells
Who lies dying, it gives those who live peace. Who was born from the cat
seize mice.
who is born round can not die square.
who has no head, has good legs.
Who does not understand his writing is kind of an ass.
Long time no see.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Those who can not do, can not be controlled.
who speaks little, says a lot. Who do you
sheep, the wolf eats. Who speaks
soon, just know.
drives out. Who pays
breaks and shards are his.
who steals little goes to jail, who steals much does career.
who sows the sand collects only anger.
who sows the wind picks up a storm. Anyone who enjoys
Who was burned with hot water also afraid of the water cold.
Who mind their own business, a field a hundred years. Who praises you
Silence is consent. About
arrives late, bad housing.
Who caresses over what used to do, for sure you want to cheat.
Who goes too high, falls often.
Who pulls the breaks too.
Who wants too, nothing pressing. Who goes to the mill
Who's going with the lame learns how to limp. Who's going
Slow and steady wins the race.
who lives with dreams needs least.
Who wants to go, who does not want to send.
With fire, with the woman and the sea, there is little to joke.
punished with mouth and tongue, you will save a lot of penalties.
With his wife beside the man is always happy.
With good manners you get everything.
With the hands of another it is easy to touch fire.
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My grandfather was a very insignificant. At his funeral, the hearse followed the other cars.
Tis so much evil in the world you have to consume the legs to force you to run to avoid the freghino.
My drive in life is the result of the horrible fear of being mediocre.
Before you take a drink, then the drink takes another, and then the drink takes you. There is no virtue
so large that it can be safe from temptation.
It takes a great chance to make a fortune.
Nothing consumes the body as anxiety and those who have faith in God should be ashamed to be concerned about any thing.
Those who do not hope for another life are dead even in this.
Being young and not revolutionary is a great contradiction.
You have more power when it is silent, because then people start to doubt herself.
Yes, I've already told you, here in Paris hang a man first and then do the job.
One of the advantages of pleasure over pain the pleasure is that you can just say, the pain can not.
There should be a peace without victory ... Only a peace between equals can last to the end.
I am against premarital sex. They arrive late to church.
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I have imitated so well that sometimes I hear people copy my mistakes.
servile Italy, grief's hostelry ship without a pilot in a mighty storm, a woman not of provinces but brothel!
Ceases to be a lover when you start ironing shirts.
If you are teaching, teaches at the same time to doubt what you teach.
Nature has perfections to show who is the image of God, and defects to show that it is only the image.
Love is the only nice thing there is in life, and we wasted demanding the impossible.
Not all those who wander are lost.
paradise I prefer the climate, Hell for the company.
is one of the great challenges of life to guess what a woman wants.
You only live once. And someone even one.
Love is like the fish, not bad if it is fresh.
Force rules the world (alas!) And do not know: so who supports it, and soles may be ignorant.
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The only thing we have to fear is fear.
Revenge hatred off as the salty water off thirst.
One should always play fairly when they hold the trump cards.
There's only one thing worse than being the victim of gossip. And it is not the victim of gossip.
If we want to know the force of human genius have to read Shakespeare. To see the futility of education human can study his commentators.
If I miss the cocoa with milk, I can not do anything
If envy could stare the sun would not the stains.
The sadistic, at least, are not indifferent to evil cause.
One of the few quality is certainly equally distributed intelligence ... I never heard anyone complain of having had less than others.
Money is like manure: not needed unless it is poured.
The worst of it is frivolous people who always want to talk about serious things.
Marriage is an experiment in which two chemical substances harmless, may combine to give rise to a poison.
The secret is something you tell one person at a time.
Love that feeds on gifts is always hungry.
Honesty is its own reward.
The archive is the place where you can lose things in order.
Today is the master of tomorrow.
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
The mother of idiots is always pregnant.
People who never does very little time.
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The faults of those who spread slander
grow to the sky Love is like an hourglass, when you fill the heart empties the brain
Love is like a cigar if it goes off, you can turn, but no longer has the same flavor
Sex is dirty only if done right ..... If I read
forget, if I write memory, if I learn
Love means not ever say I'm sorry
Who can always find a place in rowing boat. One day
fear knocked at the door, went to open the courage and found no one.
Ideally one would like to offer you what though but slightly lower quality.
No law can make everyone happy.
While you think, often lose the opportunity.
Love is a kind of chemistry, but sex is definitely a kind of physical
In life as in a tram when you sit is terminal.
She offered her honor. He honored his offer. And all night was to honor and bid
No law can make everyone happy.
Education is the highest defense of freedom.
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makes no sense to want to drown in alcohol concerns, since the concerns are very good swimmers
. Robert Musil
The newspaper is the morning prayer of modern man. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Those who dream by day know many things which escape those who dream only by night. Edgar Allan Poe
Who is resolute in wanting to shape the world in its image.
Jhoanna Wolfgang Von Goethe
must be very strong to love solitude. Pier Paolo Pasolini
Power wears out those who do not have it.
Giulio Andreotti
not be any more like when I love you. Pablo Neruda
In most husbands are like them are the wives. Erasmus of Rotterdam
not say how many ever so many lies are told before the election, during a war and after the hunt. Otto von Bismarck
There is nothing so absurd or ridiculous that has not been told at one time or another by some philosopher. Oliver Goldsmith
About ten o'clock in the morning has not already done half of his daily work, is likely not to not to complete the other half. Emily Bronte
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If God had wanted man to fly, he would be born with a ticket. Mel Brooks
We have enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another. Jonathan Swift
The visible world is no longer a reality and the unseen world is no longer a dream. William Butler Yeats
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you gave. John Lennon
God forgive me, it's his job. Heinrich Heine
Doctors are lucky: their successes gleam in the sun e. .. land cover errors. Michel de Montaigne
There is a dangerous kind for numismatic: collectors of currency.
Giulio Andreotti
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Love and write, write, and love: I write often but I love too. Emanuela
Love is something that has never corresponded with the same intensity. Menotti Lerro
I can not do more, all in all I would say that is why I live. Luciano
And I turn the radio to hear someone speak without being forced to respond. Nicola
When we stop believing in God, fate and fortune, perhaps, begin to believe in ourselves. Daniel Mazzone
see and not to look, it's like hearing without listening, meeting without speaking. David Miceli
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Marco Borin
If we all agree there would be equality, because there could compared to none. Giuseppe Drago
Those who expect perfection is a complete idiot.
Andrea Callegaro
If there is now a place and time: face it! Because we are this: while, and we will!
Francesca Cammarota
not apply what you have already passed as an excuse omnipotent. Charlie Adams
The world is too finalist ... and while concentrating on one end, is the wrong order. Nicola
I had the world in your pocket, but I lost the jacket.
Roberto Bani
If we are all so equal, it is precisely because we believe and illusion of being different. Daniel Bardelli
Tolerance is the opportunity we offer to others to think exactly like us.
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the work and 'the refuge of people who have nothing better to do
Oscar Wilde
reflect and' considerably time-consuming which is why many people prefer to judge
Ortega y Gasset
Things that generezione considered a luxury, are needed for the next generation 'Anthony Crosland
Change and' the rule of life. And those who look to the past or the present, will surely lose the future
John F. Kennedy
You do not really understand something until you are able to explain to your grandmother
Albert Einstein
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Discover what more' do you like to do is find someone who will pay for it .
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Greed age in 'advanced' senseless:
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A nice guy behind quick and nimble surprised you, He does not want to hurt you, but then you hear a great burning, it is not bad bad has come the New Year!
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I want to be a little ray of moon through your window, get to your pillow and whispered good night!
If while you're sleeping tonight feel like a breath of wind on the neck, do not be afraid is just a kiss I get home at night ... my love!
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Every morning my kiss is transported from my thoughts to you ... to wish you a good awakening.
My kiss runs between the stars and the clouds moved from the wings of the wind and waiting for you on your pillow to suggest to you good day sweetie!
E 'dawn. The usual sparrows
the color of music. The first cars whizzing fast ... and while all this happens, you already are in my thoughts. Good morning glory!
Hello my sunshine, my wonderful morning. Sleep yet? Maybe that's why the morning is a little dark today ... because the radius nicer, and brighter still rests.
Monday, March 10, 2008
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first employee and then craftsman entrepreneur in the field of communication and 'information technology with years of experience in publishing and editorial advertising.
I worked and still work in the field of image and communication dedicated to big industry.
than 40ennale My experiences with the working world of engineering and professional work has given me the impetus for today actively involved in politics and the problems associated with workers' lives, whether they are employees or self-employed.
I worked for almost 15 years in the office of advertising Grandi Motori Trieste, I left the employment giving rise to Publifoto Trieste who has worked for various companies primarily in the Arsenale Triestino Trieste S. Marco until its closure, and then also experiencing the difficult labor of the workers due to that event.
a reality to me very well-known is the port of Trieste, where I got to work and know the problems associated with it also giving personal contributions in respect of the recovery of the old port and especially the central hydrodynamic placed in it. The
requiring regular development of Trieste, its industry, port, service, craftsmanship and the self are the primary reasons are for me in which to carry out my political action.
My commitment is to work:
- for the development of industry, research and the port of Trieste, for job creation and job quality and workers in Trieste;
- for a tough fight against tax evasion Tax and work create disturbance on the black market is hurting all the honest entrepreneurs who are alert to prevent accidents and paying taxes;
- the optimization and reorganization of public services by encouraging and rewarding the development of skills and expertise, eliminating duplication and institutions useless;
- for the development of computer networks, from offices to homes of citizens, in order to promote a transparent and efficient administration;
- for a development compatible with the environment and health of citizens and workers ;
- to put safety at the heart of the city in all its aspects, social, economic, health,
- to close the era waste of immorality and "no se pol" but to seize the opportunities of a new development full of merit and morality.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
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Luca Capparelli
Residence : Via Bersaglieri 122, Rome
Delivery Tel : 06 / 64530274 - 340/4005095
Place and Date of Birth : Sora (FR) 29.12.1986
State Civil : Single
Cod Fiscal : CPPLCU86T29I838O
Training School
High school diploma: technical expert Aeronautical achieved C / O Umberto Nobile, Rome
IN Degree Course, Third Year at the Faculty of Arts and Techniques of Digital Entertainment at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome.
Three years of animation at summer resorts, in and outside Italy. In particular, Contacts and Head of Public Relations (customer reception, event organizer)
General knowledge of English (good spoken and written).
Excellent computer skills: Pack Office, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac Platforms (Tiger, Leopard), Video Editing Software: FinalCut, Premiere, Avid.
Possession A1 and B license, own car and Motomunito
Friday, February 22, 2008
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LUCA Nestola
Videomaker, videographer, director, editor.
Nationality: Italian
Date of Birth: 06/04/1978
Address: Rome
Tel: 3402829772
2004. obtaining a certificate of " CAMERAMAN - Operator of shooting and editing " following a course of 600 hours held by Mezzelani center of Rome with its period of internship;
2004. Achievement at the Faculty University of Turin, a degree in Communication Sciences;
2002. course in directing and screenwriting workshop organized by the Cultural Association "Literary Cafe" in Lecce.
-May June 2007. Direction and filming of two documentaries made during the MEDITERRAID 2007 (jeep tour of the Mediterranean) to the UN Information Office, City of Rome, Regione Lazio;
2005-2007. Collaboration as a videographer with a bouquet of satellite broadcaster Sky
2007. Collaboration as freelance videographer with Kronos, Wilder; Mosaic Productions;
2007. Design and directed the short film "Beware of the Train "
2007. Director and video shoot of the band Cloud Rock ;
2007. Videoclip of the concert of jazz musician Ennio Rega , to society Scaramuccia Srl ;
2006. Shooting for the video of the ceremony of presentation of the movie "An Inconvenient Truth " Al Gore, Reconciliation at the Auditorium of Rome;
2006. Concept, direction and filming of the documentary "Tales of the Home - ORIA "
2005, 2006. shooting the event arteries Cantalupo in Sabina (RI) and assembly of the promotional video of the 2005 edition;
2005. Direction, shooting and editing of promotional video reenactment of the "tournament of the districts " organized by the city of Oria (BR);
2006. Camera and direction of photography for a documentary about the senior centers of Lazio, in addition to publishing a publication of the Rome;
2006. Co-directing and filming of the documentary "The Roman town ", produced by Faculty of Sociology, University La Sapienza ;
2005-06. various services as a cameraman freelance in theatrical productions, cultural events and ceremonies;
2004-05. Collaboration as freelance with various photography service in sporting events.
video editing programs: AVID, ADOBE PREMIERE;
Patent scuba diving CMAS P1.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
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Adriano Morelli
cell. +39.331.613.0155 +39.328.905.8668
2000 SCIENTIFIC LABRIOLA obtained at Ostia Lido (RM) vote, 87/100.
2005 Degree International Academy of Arts and Sciences in L'Aquila.
- Shooting Techniques and new technologies
- History and criticism of cinema
- History of
- History of Philosophy
- English
- Mounting
- Computer
- Analysis of the architectural space
- Writing and image - screenplay -
- History 'art
- Theories and techniques of communication-journalism-
- Economics and culture of the show
- Storage Techniques
1995 -2000 - Certificate of English for a period of 100 each hour at: "the Inglese Language Institute (Dublin) "The Southbourne School of Inglese Inglese" (Bornemouth), "ELI" (Dublin).
2000 - Certificate of the Lazio Region to achieve competence in "Secretary for Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin EDP and Office Automation".
Language skills: Excellent knowledge of
spoken and written
Work Experience: Currently collaborator,,
2007 cameraman and video editor
Angcrea (
+ Video operator for events (eg: Presentation "Nissan Quashquay" event "70th anniversary of Cinecittà")
+ Sound and light technician for the miniseries "Manolo"
2006-2007 Cameraman
Cinquestelle TV ( channel 906 (
Rome - Via Cadlolo n.90
- video crew operator of internal and external
2006 Photographer
Arline Malakian Studio Ltd.
Toronto, Canada
+ assistant cameraman and photographer and fashion
video maker and editor
Popmedia / MOTOmed Ltd.
Toronto, Canada
+ Editor promotional video and photo editing
2004 Technical Study
Company Promotion / Btv
L.. Aquila, Italy
+ Responsible for live television and radio broadcasting
+ Head editing and broadcast advertising
+ Director of Photography
2001-2002 -3 ° Italian Navy Coast Guard Air Unit-
Pescara, Italy
+ Technical specialist on central network
+ Receptionist
Artistic skills and competences:
Photography, cinematography.
Technical skills:
WORKSHOP cinematography and audio / video editing.
Ability to problem setting and problem solving skills.
Armed with car and motorcycle license category. AB
Interests and Hobbies:
cooking, photography, cinema, computer science (good knowledge of all Microsoft operating systems and Macintosh), swimming, climbing, skiing.
Monday, February 4, 2008
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Elena Petrillo
Date of birth: May 7, 1978
Residence Address: 18, C / Fontanelle
81014 - Capriati a Volturno - CE
Home Address: Via Poggio Catino - Rome
Contacts : tel. 348-5428423 e-mail
2007, April, New York City.
Stage as PA, Assistant Producer, Chris Cenatiempo in Law & Order, NYC .
2007, March, New York City.
Assistant Utilities and Sounds Shavaria with Reeves, the TV series Law & Order.
2005, November 21, Bologna
degree at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Humanities. Bachelor in DAMS, Disciplines of Art, Music and Entertainment - Cinema address. Vote: 105/110
Matter of Degree: documentary cinematography.
Thesis : Maya Deren BETWEEN CINEMA AND ANTHROPOLOGY (available in the Archives of the Film Library of Bologna). The thesis, developed at the Anthology Film Archives in New York City, NY, includes DVD " interview with Jonas Mekas" , written and directed by me.
2004, 26/27/28 April, Bologna
Seminar on Independent Cinema by Filmmaker Abel Ferrara:
"The Writing, the casting, the Direction directed by Abel Ferrara"
Officinema at Bologna. FILM LIBRARY OF BOLOGNA Certificate of Attendance.
2002 SPECIAL EVENT, October 28, Bologna
the occasion of the 59th International Film Festival, Venice, Seminar with Aurelio Grimaldi and Ida di Benedetto, with screening of the movie "Rosa Funzeca, 2002.
1997, July, Isernia
Diploma Secondary: Mature Classic at Liceo Classico "O. Fascitelli, Isernia.
2007. Achievements
graphics Zappa. Your Guide to Free TV , period.
2007, November. Rome.
direction and editing hallucinogen , Indie short film.
2007, from May to October, New York City, Manhattan.
direction, editing, photography and filming 9W Round Trip , docu-drama short film for the Bicycle Film Festival, 2008 Edition.
2007, January, New York City. Beginning as a reporter for collaboration
2006, July, New York City
Web-designer for ICN - Italian Communication Network, the Italian radio in New York, based in New Jersey.
2006, July 17-2007, May 28, New York City.
job at the newspaper America Oggi, the Italian newspaper in America, in the Department Classified Advertising and Journalism.
2006, February, Bologna.
assembly workers at the symposium, held in Bologna, by ENIT (Italian National Tourism ) of New York City .
2006, April, Capriati a Volturno (CE). Author of the book
Days Past , published by Ubaldo Giacomucci to Track Editions, Pescara.
2004, November.
Collaboration, with Kosmos A. Frasca for ENIT in New York City.
2004, July-August-September, Capriati a Volturno (CE).
Help-Director and assistant editor for the short film of Umberto Cimorelli (operator RAI), System Error .
2003. Direction de
Soul's Journey (short film).
2001. Design and implementation of
Writing, music, product by Alessandro D'Aniello, Tower of Greek (NA) and construction related video written and directed by Umberto Cimorelli.
Correspondent reporter for the newspaper Il Corriere di Caserta.
- Macintosh
- Windows
Final Cut Pro Live Type
Cinema Tools
Motion Soundtrack Pro DVD Studio Pro
Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe Page Maker
Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Entourage, Outlook)
Adobe Premiere Sony Vegas 6
Flash MX, Fireworks MX, FreeHand MX, Dreamweaver MX Quark Express
Comic Life
- French - good
- English - good
Diploma in English Language, 4th Level, achieved in 2006, February, at the Institute "Berlitz" in New York City.
After my experience in New York City, I learned the importance of communication: to communicate through any type of media, but the power of art is the best way to express their feelings. The communication is to express, understand and learn in a world that offers few opportunities for artists, if not wishing fascinate an audience looking for a reason to explain his own piece of life. My art grows between music and film, dance and writing, words and sounds, to translate personal emotions in a universal language.
authorized pursuant to law 675/96 and successive modifications, the processing of data transmitted for any selection activity.
Zulu Ball Los Angeles 2010
Born in : Gioia Tauro (RC) 29.5 / 1979
Resident : Street Aldo Moro 88811 Ciro Marina (Kr)
domiciled in : Via Mugello - 00141 Roma
Nationality: Italian
Mobile : 320. 56 12 852
1998 : Scientific High School (grade 56/60) Liceo Aloysius Lilius 'Ciro' (Kr)
2006 : Video Editing Course c / o School of Cinema Imagine Florence
Computer Skills:
Operating Systems: Windows XP - Mac OS X
Video Editing: Final Cut Excellent use
Graphics: Photoshop
TV experience:
- Contest Winner Miss Italy 1997
- Testimonial Deborah - Sascha - Miluna - Wella - Cotonella (1998)
- Testimonial Calabria Region (1998)
- Testimonial Ad Campaign Cinelli (1999)
- Testimonial Catalogs Carlo Pignatelli (1999)
- Presented by Back Stage Miss Italy (1999)
- Co-host with Luciano Rispoli "Rug Volante (2000)
- Co-host Telepromotions Sky High (Sarabande - Italia1 2001)
Latest Work Experience:
- Assistant editor " A Place in the Sun "Video Calabria
- Head of Drama Theatre Association Iris (Rm)
- Founder projects Video Editing Association Iris (Rm)
- Founder Mounting play "Perfume" directed by F. Giuffre (Teatro Argot Roma)
- making videos "Viva Verdi " - Teatro San Carlo in Naples.
- Drama Film Curator for "The wonders of Marrakech."
turn Marakech evening at the concert Franco Battiato.
- scorer video " The hora del Tango" projected during the Festival Classic Pompeiano - Grand Theatre of Pompeii.
- Founder Mounting Theater Performance "Heart of a Dog" directed by F. Giuffre (Teatro Tor Bella Monaca - Roma).
authorize the processing of personal data in accordance with article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Female Volleyball Camel
MAURO Vallanta
Assistant director, cameraman, writer
Nationality: Italian
Birthday : 29/04/1972
Address: Viale Eritrea 91 - M17, 00199, ROMA (RM)
Tel: 340-5424469
2007: over a cameraman and director of photography (School Track
wild, Rome)
2001: sports television journalism course
1998: Licence of cameraman (Prefecture Rovigo)
1995: course of film criticism (National Theatre of Alexandria)
1991: artistic maturity
Good ability to work in teams Ability to coordinate projects, acquired during the course of "a cameraman and director of photography, with the final result of the realization as an operator of short-loop" closed, "" The vessel, "" The Ring. " Knowledge of Canon XM2 camcorders, Panasonic GS500 and Sony HVR A1E.
school level
In preparation: Director, writer and operator of the short film "Porno-
graph", freely adapted from "Orgy" PP Pasolini;
Director of the theater project "Delirio a due, fit
eponymous text by Eugene Ionesco
January 2008: Director and operator booktrailer" Guantanamo "to Voland Editions
November 2007: Author and operator of the short film "The Intruder"
July 2007: scriptwriter, co-writer and operator of the short film "Street Mission
Moria ", selected for the 2007 competition
June 2007: cameraman for the group stage for the concerts," Banda
Connemara " the Cave of Boville (RM) and Castel Sant'Angelo.
Operator in booktrailer "The strategy of the Air" (published by Mondadori)
May 2007: operator in the sports documentary "A men's game"
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Where Can I Watch Hypnotized Korean
Silvia Ember - TV editor
Resident in Via O. Gentiloni, 71-00139 Rome. Nationality: Italian. She was born on 12/07/1977
Contact: Mobile: 3292263592
Software di editing : Avid (Media Composer, Adrenaline, Symphony), Fast Silver, Pinnacle Liquid.
Competenze in : Betacam SX, Betacam SP, IMX, Mini DV, DV CAM, BVU
PC : Windows 2000/XP
Word, Excel, Power Point
Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Outlook Express
Adobe Photoshop
January 2008
Digital Video - Rome
Assembly Backstage "Zodiac" for Rai Due
October / November 2007
Digital Video - Rome
Mounting promo documentary "Tony Formighella"
November 2007 2003/Settembre
SEA Videoeuropa sas - Roma
Editing and post production of programs Mediaset: Matrix (assembly services and editing episodes), Earth, Modern Times , Studio Open Live, Candlewick, Free For All, Special Martelli "Giovanni Falcone" Special Martelli "Walter Tobagi" In Parliament, Forum, The Anvil, Orient Express, etc..
May / July 2003
Starline 2000 - Rome
Mounting Videobook artists
retouching book artists
February / April 2003
PAPEJ Videoproductions - Rome
Installation of TV promotions for broadcast on local networks
February 2003 2002/February
Videoproductions MGK - Rome
Installation of TV promotions, telesales and programs for local area networks in Rome and Lazio
March 2002 2001/Gennaio
LV & M Communication Group - Rome : Stage of training as an editor.
video editing for conventions of company (Procter & Gamble, Group Buffalo, Bees, Banca Toscana, Takeda). For Young & Rubicam project "Census 2001"
October 2000 1997/Dicembre
B & C - Rome
Research market, data entry, secretarial services.
July 1997
High School Diploma.
Liceo Scientifico Statale "A. Righi" Rome
Languages: English
: Discreet
French and English school
Owning B license, own car.
Cinema, reading, music, photography, computer science.
authorize the processing of personal data in accordance with law no. 196/2003.