I read with a sense of discomfort with the interview which the President Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat said the LNG terminal Zaule to be done. An uneasiness that comes from the fact that over and over again urged IDV, the institution she represented to shed light on extreme criticism which had emerged from a careful technical examination of the project presented by Gas Natural. The President Poropat was also announced, in November, which would have enabled comparisons of techniques, including the Natural Gas and experts from scientific institutions in Trieste, where they would clarify the various aspects of security and economic repercussions of such a facility on the city, but still nothing been done.
We instead view expressed in his various interviews and speeches, a strong belief that this system must be implemented because it will be a great benefit to Trieste.
But I wonder where they come from such beliefs, even if a negative opinion of many qualified, could not scratch.
The president has always expressed towards us, the line of thought that wants institutions, in these cases present themselves as impartial entity failing to side with one or other of the thesis. But my impression is that the president Poropat, Mayor Square and other public figures have not even stuck to this behavior but have expressed consensus in this industry that, in my opinion, reveal a superficiality and arrogance that puts strongly questioned the impartiality of the trial.
I believe that public institutions are duly and directly affected the safety of their citizens. So no impartial institutions but institutions closely linked to individuals by their citizens with a single primary mission is to safeguard the territory and all its inhabitants.
The Technical Board, sponsored by the UIL Fire Department and consists of established technique, delivered a strong warning of danger: we want to listen or pretend not to hear?
Italy of Values \u200b\u200basks the president Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat to acquire the results produced by the Technical Board UIL Fire FVG (only documents the technical evaluation of the project products to date) and assessed technically and legally carefully. Calls to the Province of Trieste to take steps to give concrete answers to some citizens, many inaccuracies and falsehoods reported by the Technical Board and UILM in the draft Natural Gas. Requests that the Province of Trieste, the Municipality of Trieste and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region which eventually dissolve the dangerous mist that hovers over this regasification plant, fell from the sky, where it seems that the Trieste should not passively accept being accused of "nonsepolismo.
IDV and the citizens of Trieste want development (though the real one) without compromising safety and to be involved in the dynamics of choices, whatever they are, that are made for this city.
Mario Marin
Provincial Coordinator of IDV Trieste
We instead view expressed in his various interviews and speeches, a strong belief that this system must be implemented because it will be a great benefit to Trieste.
But I wonder where they come from such beliefs, even if a negative opinion of many qualified, could not scratch.
The president has always expressed towards us, the line of thought that wants institutions, in these cases present themselves as impartial entity failing to side with one or other of the thesis. But my impression is that the president Poropat, Mayor Square and other public figures have not even stuck to this behavior but have expressed consensus in this industry that, in my opinion, reveal a superficiality and arrogance that puts strongly questioned the impartiality of the trial.
I believe that public institutions are duly and directly affected the safety of their citizens. So no impartial institutions but institutions closely linked to individuals by their citizens with a single primary mission is to safeguard the territory and all its inhabitants.
The Technical Board, sponsored by the UIL Fire Department and consists of established technique, delivered a strong warning of danger: we want to listen or pretend not to hear?
Italy of Values \u200b\u200basks the president Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat to acquire the results produced by the Technical Board UIL Fire FVG (only documents the technical evaluation of the project products to date) and assessed technically and legally carefully. Calls to the Province of Trieste to take steps to give concrete answers to some citizens, many inaccuracies and falsehoods reported by the Technical Board and UILM in the draft Natural Gas. Requests that the Province of Trieste, the Municipality of Trieste and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region which eventually dissolve the dangerous mist that hovers over this regasification plant, fell from the sky, where it seems that the Trieste should not passively accept being accused of "nonsepolismo.
IDV and the citizens of Trieste want development (though the real one) without compromising safety and to be involved in the dynamics of choices, whatever they are, that are made for this city.
Mario Marin
Provincial Coordinator of IDV Trieste
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