Positive organizational test according to the Italian Championship March 7
Tayeb Filali (Algeria - ACSI Capitol Palatine) and Hanane Janat (Morocco - Fondiaria SAI
Athletics) have won the 16th edition of the Cross Valley Sorbo organized
dallAirone Formello.
The beautiful sunny day welcomed the 500 participants in this event
now become a classic event for lovers of the Cross Country center
Italy. Lefficiente organization of Homer Curci and his staff did the rest
could include this issue as one of the best in its history. It started with smaller
right on time at 9.30 am, when Chiara Gherardi 2000 excavation has
exceeded all of its peers for boys also take on the first goal of
distance of 400 meters. Following Lavinia Marchese, younger sister of the twins and Camille Valentine
that in Cadet class are among the first in Italy.
Luke Rice, athlete's home, wins among males while in the next category is
Luca Lazzarini, who was also the 2000 excavation to establish themselves among women and another victory for Lairon
Formello Buccioli with Amber.
Even in the category Guys / and victory for women, with Sara De Santis, Cerveteri,
affiliated with LACS Palatine, winning in front of everyone and Alessandro dellAtl Fresu.
Genazzano that must be satisfied to get behind. In
cadets simpongono Alessandro Galati dellAtl. Tiburtina and Clare Nicosia, the
Finass Viterbo, daughter with father Salvatore darte ready to take pictures. At 10.15
part test on 3500 meters reserved for students / e and all female categories.
A cut to the finish line first and Lalla dellAmleto Timur Mizanov Mountains, but is now behind
Hanane Janat who has had worked hard to leave behind a
unleashed Valentine Marquis, in great shape, which is aiming at victory in the field
national the first CDS of foxes and then to the individual to be held just a month
Formello accurate.
The men's race, has no history with Filali from the first lap to earn a considerable advantage
Yassine Kabbouri (Atl. Recanati) and Alessandro Turroni (Air Force).
largest society, the Bank of Romans and after the awards ceremony with the Mayor
Giacomo Sandri, the director of the Sports City Giulia DISA
Sports Commission Vice-President of the Lazio Region Enzo Foschi.
great satisfaction for the Presidents dellUIDSP Andrea Novelli in Rome and Monterotondo
John Lucarelli who sponsored the event.
16th Campestre Sorbo valley Formello (Rm)
February 7, 2010
Beginners 2001/2004 m. 400
1 "Chiara" Gherardi "" 2000 Excavation
2 "Lavinia" Marquis "Mos Majorum
3" Luke "" De Riso "Airone Formello
4" Blessed "Acciari" "2000 Excavation
5" Purple "" Gherardi "" 2000 Excavation
6 "Peter", "Nicosia" "Villa Spada
7" Gea "Scardini" "2000 Excavation
8" Michela "Mignozzi" Airone Formello
9 "Gabriel" Dominici "ASD Ottavia
10" Andrea "Di Paolo" Villa Spada
11 "Giulia" "Micozzi" Villa Ada Green
Runner 12 "Luke" "Train" "Villa Spada
13" Philip "Diliberto"
14 "Riccardo" Pucciarnati "AS Football Campagnano
15" Giorgia "Ugolini" ACSI Palatine Capitol
16 "Thomas" Better "
17 "Giorgia" Giacometti
18 "Andrea" Pilgrims "" ACSI Capitol Palatine
19 "Elena" Meneguzzo
20 "Cristian" Grillo "
Beginners 1999/2000
1 800 m." Luke "Lazzarini" "2000 Excavation
2 "Simone" torture "" Villa Spada
3 "Lorenzo" Grauso "Atl. Genazzano
4 "Amber" Buccioli "Airone Formello
5" Julia "" Train "" Villa Spada
6 "Martina" Turkish "" "High Lazio Colavene
7" Julien "," Arnaud "" 2000 Excavation
8 "Luuk Aaron "Vannievwamerol
9" Federico "Ghezzi" Dig
2000 10 "Simon" Terenzi "ACSI Capitol Palatine
11" James "Cardini" "2000 Excavation
12 "Nicholas" Frottan "Villa Spada
13" Laura "" Zilli "" "Sports event Nepi
14" Luke "" Mariano "Atl. Sabatina
15" Beatrice "Chicchinelli" "2000 Excavation
16" Riccardo "DAngelo "Villa Spada
17" Emma "," Reguly "" 2000 Excavation
18 "Valerio" English "" ACSI Capitol Palatine
19 "Noemi" Ugolino "" ACSI Palatine Capitol
20 "Rebecca" Tornari "Airone Formello
21 "Robbie" De Lange "Forhans Team
22" Sara "" Lisette "" "Atl. Sabatina
23" Emily "bib" "Atl. Sabatina
16th Campestre Sorbo valley Formello (Rm)
February 7, 2010
24" Francis Fresu "" "Atl. Genazzano
25" Alesssandro "Cricket" "" "
26" Marie "" De Lange "Forhans Team
27" Carmine "Todino" Atl. Sabatina
29 "Julia" "Parruccini" Atl. Sabatina
30 "Giorgia" Tobias "" "Atl. Sabatina
31 "Julia" "Silla" "" Atl. Sabatina
32 "Julia" "Trapped" "Atl. Sabatina
33" Giorgia "Valentino" Atl. Sabatina
Boys / 1200 and 1997/1998 m
a "Sara", "De Santis" ACSI Palatine
Campidoglio 2 " Alessandro "Fresu" "" Atl. Genazzano
3 "Daniel" Papa "" "ACSI Capitol Palatine
4" Federico "Vespa" "" Atl. UISP Monterotondo
5 "Lorenzo" De Angelis "" 2000 Excavation
6 "Alessia" Persichetti "ACSI Palatine
Capitol 7" Julia "" Geneva "" 2000 Excavation
8 "Julia" "Misc" ACSI Palatine Capitol
9 "Virginia" Calabria "" 2000 Excavation
10 "Chiara" Oratio "" "Palatine ACSI Capitol
11" Razyam Andrey Cucos "ACSI Capitol Palatine
12" Alexander "Of Paul" Villa Spada
13 "Lucrezia" Cleric "ACSI Palatine Capitol
14" Stefan " "Muresan" Atl. Genazzano
15 "Cristian" feet "Atl. Genazzano
16" Nicholas "" De Riso "ACSI Capitol Palatine
17" Lorenzo "Marino" Villa Spada
18 "Virginia" Giulianelli " "Villa Spada
19" Luke "Palombo" ACSI Capitol Palatine
20 "Simone" Lisi "ACSI Capitol Palatine
21" Silvia "" Catalina "Nepi Sport Event
22" Carlotta "Farina" Nepi
Sport Event 23 "Flavia" Cimbolli "Airone Formello
Cadets / e" M 1995/1996 1600
1 "Alexander" Galati "" "Atl. Tiburtina
2 "Chiara" Nicosia "," Atl. Viterbo Finass
3 "William" Tomassi "Atl. Genazzano
4 "Valerio" Desiato "" 2000 Excavation
5 "Alberto" Papalia "" Villa Roma 6 Gordiani
6 "Thomas" Mignozzi "Airone Formello
7" Samantha "Bonelli" Villa Roma 6 Gordiani
16 ยช Campestre VALLI Del Sorbo Formello (Rm)
February 7, 2010
Student / e - Senior - Amateur - Master F m. 3500
1 "Timur" "Nizamov" "All" Hamlet GS Monti
2 "Hanane" Janat "" "Sen" Fondiaria SAI
3 "Valentine" Marquis "" All "Fondiaria SAI
4" Robert "Ragabeja" "All" Scavo 2000
5 "Eleanor" Bazzoni "Sen" RCF
6 "Scarlett" Dionisio "mf45" RCF
7 "Enrica" \u200b\u200bButtinelli "mf40" Palestrina Running
8 "Giuseppe" Falossi "" All "Pol G. Castello
9 "Rosa" "Berni" "" mf50 "Free Runners
10" Lorenzo "Pimpinella" "All" UBL Sports
11 "Laura" "Emperors" "mf45" Evolution Running
12 "Francesca" Ragnetti "mf40" Liberatletica Aris
13 "Greta" "Drive" "" Love "Runners Sangemini
14" Alessandra "Lironcurti" MF35 "Liberatletica Aris
15" Nelly "Caisaletin" "Love" GS Lital
16 "Cynthia" "Barletta" mf50 "Liberatletica Aris
17" Stefania "Gabrielli" MF35 "IPZS
18" Antonella "Farmer" mf45 "Liberatletica Aris
19" Elena "" Farmer "mf45" Liberatletica Aris
20 "Patrizia" Santarelli "mf50" Pod. Solidarity
21 "Paola" Dalpra "mf55" Scavo 2000
22 "Laura" "Dukes" "" Love "Romans Banking
23" Manila "Pazzaglia" MF35 "Alto Lazio Colavene
24 "Monica" Paternesi "MF35" Atl. Campanile
25 "Chiara" Say "" "Love" Olimpia 2004
26 "Valeria" Column "" MF35 "Cat Sport
27" Joy "shrill" "All" ACSI Palatine Capitol
28 "Silvia" "Santoni" mf40 "UISP Monterotondo
29" Rosanna "Pignore" mf45 "Villa Pamphili
30" Martha "" DAngelo "Sen" Fondiaria SAI
31 "Nicoletta" Cristofari "mf45 "Pod.
Rome Marathon 32" Vania "Dionne", "Love" GS Lital
33 "Monique" Tangela "mf45" Forhans Team
34 "Laura" "Hare" "" MF35 "Minerva 35 Rome
" Maria Paola "Formiconi" mf50 "Scavo 2000
36 "Paola" "Work" "" MF60 "Pod.
Rome Marathon 37" Julia "" Palladino "" mf45 "Forhans Team
38" Anna Maria "Cardia" mf50 "Cat Sport
39" Claudia "Valentini" " mf40 "Cus Romatletica
40" Alessia "Di Bonaventura" MF35 "Leprotti Villa Ada
41" Rosa "" Serpolli "mf45" Lazio Runners Team
42 "Sandra" Serpolli "mf45" Lazio Runners Team
43 "Roberta" Pimpinella "" Love "LBM Sport
44" Antonella "Pastorino" mf40 "Scavo 2000
45" Patrizia "Tavoni" mf55 "Minerva 46 Rome
" Anna "" Calvi "" "mf50" Scavo 2000
47 "Laura "" Pigliapoco "mf45" Minerva Rome
48 "Eleanor" Pegs "" "mf50" Pod. Solidarity
49 "Flavia" Fredi "" "mf40" Scavo 2000
50 "Lidia" Munelli "mf50" Asterix Morley
16th Campestre Sorbo valley Formello (Rm)
February 7, 2010
51 "Sara" "Colangeli" "Love" Romans Banking
52 "Barbara" Perillo "MF35" Banking
Romans 53 "Annunziata" Cattaino "mf65" Minerva Rome
54 "Franca" Napoleon "" mf70 "Cat Sport
55" Isabella "Iannotta" mf50
56 "Alfonsina" Fazio "mf75" Pod.
Solidarity Junior - Promises - Senior - Amateur - Master M M 7000
1 "Tayeb" Filali "Sen" ACSI Capitol Palatine
2 "Yassine" Kabbouri " Sen "Atl. Recanati
3" Alexander "Turroni" Pro "Air Force
4" Abdel Hadi Ben Khadir "Sen" Atl.
Campania 5 "El Moustafa" Rachhi "Sen" ACSI Capitol Palatine
6 "Marco" Calderone " 40 mm "Violetta
RC Club 7" Antonio "Miggiano" Sen "ACSI Capitol Palatine
8" Oleh "Ivanyuk" Sen "Evolution Running
9" Francis "Carboni" Sen "
RCF 10" Samir "Jouaher" Sen "New Atl. Lariano
11 "Savior" Nicosia "mm45" Old Star Host "
12" Mohammed "Qattam" mm35 "Club Atletico Central
13" El Moustafa "Saqi" Sen "Hamlet GS Monti
14" Joseph "Carella" mm35 " RCF
15 "Henry" Crisostomi "mm35" Erco
Sport 16 "Alexander" Oronzini "mm35" Banking
Romans 17 "Andrea" Moccia "mm50" Banking
Romans 18 "Marco" Favorite "mm45" Runners Sangemini
19 "Andrea" Paterno "mm35" IPZS
20 "Vincent" Ciurleo "mm35" IPZS
21 "Luciano" Grillo "mm35" Club Atletico Central
22 "Happy" "Mattei" Love "Fire
23" Marco "" Cavallucci "40 mm" Runners Sangemini
24 "Claudio "Leoncini" 40 mm "Banking
Romans 25" Luciano "Bernardi" mm45 "UBL Sports
26" Stefano "Bernini" 40 mm "Atl. Cimina
27 "Orlando" Vanni "40 mm" UISP Monterotondo
28 "Marcello" Maggini "mm55" Erco Sport
29 "Renato" Cicchetti "40 mm" Scavo
2000 30 "Joseph" Zagordi "mm50" Banking
Romans 31 "Pasquale" Prencipe "Sen" UBL Sports
32 "Fabio" Sozio "mm45" Atl. Guglielmi
Villa 33 "Mark "" Faustini "Love" Romans Banking
34 "Leonardo" Cherubini "mm45" Banking
Roman 35 "Antonio" Trabucco "mm60"
RCF 36 "Massimiliano" Aquila "mm35" Alto Lazio Colavene
37 "John" Danish "Love" G Lital
38 "Roberto De Angelis" mm50 "Liberatletica Aris
39" Ignatius "Farina" mm45 "Banking
Romans 40" John "Hazor" 40 mm "Liberatletica Aris
41" Adriano "De Angelis" mm45 "
RCF 42" Fabio "" Merlin " Sen "Pod. Solidarity
43" Michael "Jupiter" Sen "Atl. Colosseo 2000
16th Campestre Sorbo valley Formello (Rm)
February 7, 2010
44" Marco "" Piermattei "" Love "" Banking Romans
45 "Luigi "" Falato "mm50" UISP Monterotondo
46 "Fabio" Diliberto "" mm35 "Banking
Romans 47" Oliviero "Santini" mm60 "" U.S. 48 Roma 83
"Marco" "Tomassi" "Love" " Pod.
Solidarity 49 "Saul" "War" "mm35" "Two Bridges
50" Lorenzo's freedom "40 mm" "Banking
Romans 51" Pier Luca "Brunetti" "40 mm" "Villa Ada Green
Runner 52" Claudio "Castles" "40 mm" "2000 Excavation
53 "John" Florio "" "mm50" Asterix Morley
54 "Luigi" "Crocicchia" mm55 "" Free Runners
55 "Maximum" Luzi "" "mm50" "2000 Excavation
56" Domenico De Vito " 40 mm "" Atl.
Pomezia 57 "Alexander" saviors "," Jun "" Pod.
Solidarity 58 "Roberto" DAmico "mm35" BancariRomani
59 "Antonio" Belanger "" 40 mm "" Pod.
Solidarity 60 "Salvatore "Tower" mm50 "Roma Est
Runners 61" Andrea "Cuneo" mm35 "" Two Bridges
62 "Carlo" Ascoli "" "Love" "Rome Uisp
63" Angel "Mazzoli" "40 mm" "Banking Romans
64 "Fabio" Curci "" "mm35" Airone Formello
65 "Manuel" Arrigoni "mm35" Banking
Romans 66 "Fausto" Marsili "mm50" Banking
Romans 67 "Christian" Divizia "" 40 mm "" Villa Spada
68 "Mauro" Tirimacco "mm55 "" Romans Banking
69 "Marco" "Paolini" mm45 "" 2000 Excavation
70 "Sergio" Cecconi "mm65" "Cat Sport
71" Giampiero "hat" "mm55" "2000 Excavation
72" Marco "" Giacometti "" 40 mm "" Running Palestrina
73 "Alex" Smith "" "Pro" Atl. Genazzano
74 "Giancarlo" Lazzarini "mm45" Scavo
2000 75 "John", "Paone" mm55 "" SS Lazio
76 "Antonio" Papa "" "mm35" Romans Banking
77 "Enzo" Frazzini "mm55" Banking
Romans 78 "Lion" "Castellana" mm55 "Banking
Roman 79" Antonio "Cacchione" mm45 "Banking
Romans 80" Martian "Polidori" mm55 " "Banking
Romans 81" Michael "Ieva" "" mm65 "Atl. Together
82 "Angel" Pucciarmati "" 40 mm "" Atl. The Campanile
83 "Roberto" Cesetti "" 40 mm "" Atl. The Campanile
84 "Amadeus" Calabrini "mm55" Tivoli Marathon
85 "Alberto" Barbato "mm35" Atl.
Pomezia 86 "John" Golvelli "mm60" Pod. Solidarity
87 "Francois" Pierdet "" 40 mm "" Atac
Marathon Club 88 "Antonio" Rosicarelli "" mm35 "Banking
Roman 89" Antonio Pinto "" Love "" Banking
Romans 90 "Maurizio" The Francescantonio "mm50" UISP Monterotondo
91 "Christmas" Bortoloni "mm60" Pod. Solidarity
92 "Luigi" "Michael" "mm45" Asterix Morley "
93" Luke "Paolucci" "40 mm" "UISP Viterbo
94" Maximum "Verdesca" mm50 "Banking
Romans 95" Fabio "Pierantozzi "" mm35 "Banking Romans
16th Campestre Sorbo valley Formello (Rm)
February 7, 2010
96" Riccardo "Ruggeri" mm50 "" Two Bridges
97 "Danilo" Redi "" "Love," "Pod. Alsium
98 "Ermanno" Rambotti "mm65" Atl. Acquacetosa Rome
99 "Gino" Pelonara "mm65" Romans
Banking 100 "Samuel" The Giammartino "mm45" "Cat Sport
101" Claudio "Filiputti" mm55 "Romans
Banking 102" Franco "Pimpinella" mm55 " "UBL Sports
103" Marco "" Dominici "40 mm" "AICS
104" Daniel "Beef" "mm45" Romans
Banking 105 "Francis" Schisano "mm55" Albatros Roma
106 "John" Pascucci "" mm60 "Lairon Tolfa
106" Maximum "Pisanti" "40 mm" "Romans
Banking 107" Romano "Orsini" "" mm45 "Pod. Rome Marathon
108 "Paul" "Ferrari" "mm55" Scavo 2000 109
"Carlo Alberto" Pica "" "mm45" Banking Romans
110 "Alberto" Bianciardi "mm45" Liberatletica Aris
111 "Graziano" Meneguzzo "" 40 mm "" Pod. Solidarity
112 "Marco" "Gambino" "40 mm" "Romans
Banking 113" Alexander "Visca" "" Love "" Dream Team Rome
114 "John" Pietracupa "mm65" "2000 Excavation
115" Raymond "Vona" "" mm65 "Atl.
Tanker 116" Fabio "Colucci" mm45 "" Two Bridges
117 "Bob" De Lange "" 40 mm "" Forhans
Team 118 "Luigi" "Piccolelli" mm60 "Atl . The Park
119 "Maximum" Maurice "" mm50 "Romans
Banking 120" Joseph Monti "" "mm50" Romans
Banking 121 "Mauro" Mendolia " "Mm60" Romans
Banking 122 "Mario" "Audino" mm45 "Pod. Solidarity
123 "John" Verzillo "mm35" UISP Monterotondo
124 "Massimiliano" Ricci "" "40 mm" "2000 Excavation
125" Pier Fracesco Pinelli "mm45" ASD Isab
126 "Luke" "France" " "Love" "UBL Sports
127" Victor "" Vella "" "mm55" Romans
Banking 128 "Fabrizio" Cat "" "mm35" "Fire
129" Roberto "Fazio" "" 40 mm "" Atl. The Campanile
130 "Vincent" De Matthaeis "40 mm" "Amateur Caserta
131" Luciano "Leaf Manzillo" mm60 "Pod. Solidarity
132 "Vincent" Lys "" "40 mm" "Forhans Team
133 "John" Ofrians "mm35" Romans
Banking 134 "Giancarlo" Ferrante "mm50" Romans
Banking 135 "Francis" Lamb "mm45" Romans
Banking 136 "Franco" Sabatucci "mm60" Scavo 2000
137 "Maximum" Baptists "mm65" Romans
Banking 138 "Roberto" Archangels "mm45" UISP Monterotondo
139 "Romulus" Serrecchia "" 40 mm "" UISP Monterotondo
140 "Giuliano" Micozzi "" 40 mm "" Cat Sport
141 "Edward" Monteleone "" mm35 "Atl. The Campanile
142 "Carlo" Pretto "" "mm60" Romans
Banking 143 "Domenico" Mancini "" MM70 "" Asterix Morley
144 "Paul" "Cecchini" " mm45 "Banking Romans
145" Antonio "Dimitri" mm45 "Banking Romans
146" Julie "" Clementi "" Love "" Scavo 2000
16th Campestre Sorbo valley Formello (Rm)
February 7, 2010
149 "Pierfrancesco Toscano "" 40 mm ""
Scavo 2000 150 "Frank" Dambrosio "" MM70 "" Fartlek Ostia
151 "Marco" "Cannizzaro" mm50 "Romans
Banking 152" Fernando "Clementi" mm55 "Scavo 2000 153
"Manlio" Zechariah "" MM70 ""
Scavo 2000 154 "Peter" "Salis" "" mm55 "Romans
Banking 155" Massimiliano Married "" 40 mm "" 2000 Excavation
156 "Andrea" Saturnino "mm35" Banking Romans
157 " Eraldo "Severa" mm50 "Atl. Campanile
158" Remigio "Eramo" "MM70" "UISP Monterotondo
159" Marco "" Utzeri "" "mm55" Romans
Banking 160 "Brogan" Giancarlo "" MM70 "Atl. Faleria
161 "Ignatius" Bandinu "mm50" Asterix Morley
162 "Luciano" Council "mm60" Romans
Banking 163 "Tonino" Fioroni "" 40 mm "" Evolution Running
164 "Antonio" Infant "mm50" "
165" Fabrizio "Angelini" mm60 "Romans
Banking 166" Gianfranco "Roncadin" mm60 "Lazio Runners Team
167" Albino "Franceschini" mm55 "Romans
Banking 168" Bernardino "Camilla" " mm55 "Banking Romans
169 "Lorenzo" Bellucci "" mm60 "Atl. The Campanile
170 "Federico" Veroli "" "mm65" Atl. Faleria
171 "Paul" "Casali" "" mm55 "" Minerva Rome
172 "Benoit" Gottrand "" Love "" Forhans
Team 173 "Joseph "stretcher" mm50 "Romans
Banking 174" Mario "Storm" mm55 "" 2000 Excavation
175 "Maximum" Five "" mm60 "Romans
Banking 176" Joseph "Vasapollo" "40 mm" "Romans
Banking 177 "Valerio" Pigeons "mm45" "Club Atl.
Central 178" Charles "" Urban "" 40 mm "" UISP Monterotondo
179 "Alberto" Colazingari "mm65" "2000 Excavation
180" Fabio "" Rome " "Mm35" Anagni
Runners Club 181 "Vincent" Damore "mm60" Romans
Banking 182 "Romano" Dessi "" "mm55" Pod. Solidarity
16th Campestre Sorbo valley Formello (Rm)
February 7, 2010