You publish the notice published in the Gazette of ASL BR 10/3/2011 valid for 20 days from the date of publication
Ilpresidente APTeRP
Joseph Lepore
Public notice for temporary assignments profiles.
In implementation of Resolution No 520 of 02.17.2011 are banned public notices for licenses, for the formulation of lists used for provision of fixed-term appointments of:
The salary is that provided by the existing Negotiable Area of \u200b\u200bFund
Admission requirements
may participate in the public notices are those who meet the following requirements:
General requirements: •
Italian citizenship, subject to the equation established by law, or citizen of a country 's Union European
• fitness for use.
Specific requirements:
For profiles of professional nurses and technical education and psychiatric rehabilitation and psychosocial
• university degree obtained pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree No 30/12/1992 502, as amended, or diploma under the old system recognized as equivalent under the existing provisions, the diploma for the purposes of professional activity and access to public office;
• Registration the professional, where required for the exercise professional.
For the professional profile of social worker
• diploma entitling the holder to the specific profession under the existing legislation;
• registration with the association, where required for the exercise professional.
not have access to those jobs that have been excluded from eligibility for active and those who have been dismissed or retired from government or dismissed from the date of entry into force of the first collective agreement.
I requirements for participation in public notices are to be held on the date of expiry of the deadline set by the notice for submission of applications for admission.
Filling and the deadline for submission of applications.
To be admitted to public notices on interested parties must submit, before the twentieth day following the date of publication of this notice in the Official Bulletin of the Region of Puglia, the application form, written on plain paper, addressed to Local Health - Via Napoli 8, 72100 Brindisi - For applications sent via the postal service, the shipment date is proved by date stamp of the post office.
the candidates must indicate in his application:
a) the date, place of birth and residence;
b) the possession of Italian citizenship or equivalent;
c) the municipality of registration the electoral roll or the reasons for their non-inclusion or deletion from such lists;
d) any criminal convictions listed;
e) academic qualifications;
f) their position with regard to military service;
g) serving as employed in public administration and possible causes of termination of previous reports of the civil service;
h) securities which entitle them to take advantage of stocks, rights and preferences.
The applicant must also indicate the address at which it must, for all intents and purposes, be his without any necessary communication. In case of failure to provide true, for all intents and purposes, the residence referred to in the above-mentioned letter a).
for purposes connected with and consequential to the procedure in question, the candidate must also give its consent to the processing of personal data contained in the application and documents in accordance with Legislative Decree 30.6.2003 n. 196.
Documents to be submitted
Asked applicants must attach:
1) university degree or equivalent;
2) certificate of registration with the association, where required for professional practice;
3) All certificates for securities they deem appropriate to present the effects of assessment on the merits, including a training curriculum and professional, dated and signed.
Titles must be originals or copies certified or legal under the law, or self-certified in the cases and within the limits prescribed by the regulations force (DPR 11/28/2000 n. 445).
publications must be published in print.
In its certification services must be certified whether or not the conditions in the last paragraph of Article. Presidential Decree No. 46 of 20.12.1979 761, under which the score of length of service should be reduced. If so, the certificate should specify the extent of reduction of the score;
4) list, on plain paper, documents and qualifications.
substitute statements
If the candidate wishes to take advantage of self-certification of Presidential Decree 445/2000, the affidavits of certification (Article 46) and the affidavits of affidavit (Article 47) shall contain the clause specifies that the candidate is aware that any false or misleading statements, the same shall be liable to the penalties of Article. 76 DPR 445/2000, in addition to forfeiture of the benefits achieved through the measure adopted on the basis of false statements referred to in Art.75. The Local Health reserves the right to verify the veracity of the affidavits made by the candidate, in the manner and within the time required by current regulations.
Subscription of affidavits submitted their application or referred by the same must be accompanied by non-authenticated photocopy of an identification of the undersigned. Otherwise, the subscription must be made by the person in the presence of employees in the Personnel Management of this Company assigned to this task. It should be noted however that in case of substitute statement concerning the requirements for admission and / or securities which may also lead to an assessment, the applicant must specify exactly all the information and data necessary to determine the requirements and or evaluability of the declaration for the purpose of ranking. The lack of even partial, of these factors preclude the possibility of proceeding to its evaluation.
In particular, for any services provided by public administrations, the person shall specify: the same exact name and address, in the case of permanent and temporary service agreement with the indication of the commitment or time; Profile professional framing, in the case of full-time employment or partial period of service with clarification of any interruption of the employment relationship and their position on the ground and the provisions of art. 46 of DPR 761/79.
for authentication of copies you require provisions of art. 18 of DPR 445/2000.
score titles
Article. 8, paragraph 3 uc of DPR 27/03/2001 n. 220 the distribution of points among the various classes of securities shall be established:
a) 15 points for title of career
b) 5 points for academic qualifications and study
c) 4 points for documents and publications Scientific
d) 6 points for curriculum and professional.
Appointments may be made, taking into account business needs, with a ratio of full-or part-time work according to the law contract.
Participation in public announcements by competitors implies acceptance of all provisions of the law in force.
The Company reserves the right, for legitimate reasons, to extend, suspend, revoke or modify all or part of this warning notice.
Although not specifically expressed in this announcement shall be the law governing the matter in insolvency, with particular reference to DPR 20.12.1979, n. 761, Decree No legislative decree 30/12/1992 502, and SMI, art. 9 of Law No. 20.5.85 207 and subsequent amendments, the Legislative Decree no. 03/30/2001 No 165 and subsequent amendments, the Legislative Decree no. 6.9.2001, n. 368, DPR 27/03/2001 n. 220, DPR 09/05/1994 n. Negotiable Area 487 and the Fund's integrative CCNL 20.9.2001 7.4.1999.
you have any questions interested parties may contact the Area Personnel Management of this Company - Tel 0831 536173 - 536727.
Director-General Dr. Rodolfo Rollo
Ilpresidente APTeRP
Joseph Lepore
Public notice for temporary assignments profiles.
In implementation of Resolution No 520 of 02.17.2011 are banned public notices for licenses, for the formulation of lists used for provision of fixed-term appointments of:
The salary is that provided by the existing Negotiable Area of \u200b\u200bFund
Admission requirements
may participate in the public notices are those who meet the following requirements:
General requirements: •
Italian citizenship, subject to the equation established by law, or citizen of a country 's Union European
• fitness for use.
Specific requirements:
For profiles of professional nurses and technical education and psychiatric rehabilitation and psychosocial
• university degree obtained pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree No 30/12/1992 502, as amended, or diploma under the old system recognized as equivalent under the existing provisions, the diploma for the purposes of professional activity and access to public office;
• Registration the professional, where required for the exercise professional.
For the professional profile of social worker
• diploma entitling the holder to the specific profession under the existing legislation;
• registration with the association, where required for the exercise professional.
not have access to those jobs that have been excluded from eligibility for active and those who have been dismissed or retired from government or dismissed from the date of entry into force of the first collective agreement.
I requirements for participation in public notices are to be held on the date of expiry of the deadline set by the notice for submission of applications for admission.
Filling and the deadline for submission of applications.
To be admitted to public notices on interested parties must submit, before the twentieth day following the date of publication of this notice in the Official Bulletin of the Region of Puglia, the application form, written on plain paper, addressed to Local Health - Via Napoli 8, 72100 Brindisi - For applications sent via the postal service, the shipment date is proved by date stamp of the post office.
the candidates must indicate in his application:
a) the date, place of birth and residence;
b) the possession of Italian citizenship or equivalent;
c) the municipality of registration the electoral roll or the reasons for their non-inclusion or deletion from such lists;
d) any criminal convictions listed;
e) academic qualifications;
f) their position with regard to military service;
g) serving as employed in public administration and possible causes of termination of previous reports of the civil service;
h) securities which entitle them to take advantage of stocks, rights and preferences.
The applicant must also indicate the address at which it must, for all intents and purposes, be his without any necessary communication. In case of failure to provide true, for all intents and purposes, the residence referred to in the above-mentioned letter a).
for purposes connected with and consequential to the procedure in question, the candidate must also give its consent to the processing of personal data contained in the application and documents in accordance with Legislative Decree 30.6.2003 n. 196.
Documents to be submitted
Asked applicants must attach:
1) university degree or equivalent;
2) certificate of registration with the association, where required for professional practice;
3) All certificates for securities they deem appropriate to present the effects of assessment on the merits, including a training curriculum and professional, dated and signed.
Titles must be originals or copies certified or legal under the law, or self-certified in the cases and within the limits prescribed by the regulations force (DPR 11/28/2000 n. 445).
publications must be published in print.
In its certification services must be certified whether or not the conditions in the last paragraph of Article. Presidential Decree No. 46 of 20.12.1979 761, under which the score of length of service should be reduced. If so, the certificate should specify the extent of reduction of the score;
4) list, on plain paper, documents and qualifications.
substitute statements
If the candidate wishes to take advantage of self-certification of Presidential Decree 445/2000, the affidavits of certification (Article 46) and the affidavits of affidavit (Article 47) shall contain the clause specifies that the candidate is aware that any false or misleading statements, the same shall be liable to the penalties of Article. 76 DPR 445/2000, in addition to forfeiture of the benefits achieved through the measure adopted on the basis of false statements referred to in Art.75. The Local Health reserves the right to verify the veracity of the affidavits made by the candidate, in the manner and within the time required by current regulations.
Subscription of affidavits submitted their application or referred by the same must be accompanied by non-authenticated photocopy of an identification of the undersigned. Otherwise, the subscription must be made by the person in the presence of employees in the Personnel Management of this Company assigned to this task. It should be noted however that in case of substitute statement concerning the requirements for admission and / or securities which may also lead to an assessment, the applicant must specify exactly all the information and data necessary to determine the requirements and or evaluability of the declaration for the purpose of ranking. The lack of even partial, of these factors preclude the possibility of proceeding to its evaluation.
In particular, for any services provided by public administrations, the person shall specify: the same exact name and address, in the case of permanent and temporary service agreement with the indication of the commitment or time; Profile professional framing, in the case of full-time employment or partial period of service with clarification of any interruption of the employment relationship and their position on the ground and the provisions of art. 46 of DPR 761/79.
for authentication of copies you require provisions of art. 18 of DPR 445/2000.
score titles
Article. 8, paragraph 3 uc of DPR 27/03/2001 n. 220 the distribution of points among the various classes of securities shall be established:
a) 15 points for title of career
b) 5 points for academic qualifications and study
c) 4 points for documents and publications Scientific
d) 6 points for curriculum and professional.
Appointments may be made, taking into account business needs, with a ratio of full-or part-time work according to the law contract.
Participation in public announcements by competitors implies acceptance of all provisions of the law in force.
The Company reserves the right, for legitimate reasons, to extend, suspend, revoke or modify all or part of this warning notice.
Although not specifically expressed in this announcement shall be the law governing the matter in insolvency, with particular reference to DPR 20.12.1979, n. 761, Decree No legislative decree 30/12/1992 502, and SMI, art. 9 of Law No. 20.5.85 207 and subsequent amendments, the Legislative Decree no. 03/30/2001 No 165 and subsequent amendments, the Legislative Decree no. 6.9.2001, n. 368, DPR 27/03/2001 n. 220, DPR 09/05/1994 n. Negotiable Area 487 and the Fund's integrative CCNL 20.9.2001 7.4.1999.
you have any questions interested parties may contact the Area Personnel Management of this Company - Tel 0831 536173 - 536727.
Director-General Dr. Rodolfo Rollo
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