Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Teaching The Story Of Moses To Preschoolers

Democratic Party?

coalitions, both right and left, looking from hardening to eliminate too many conflicts that exist within them. The center-left coalition, the need to achieve a more appropriate win and govern, was forced to merge parties and ideas are very heterogeneous with rather negative consequences for the actions of government. This political situation has highlighted the need to seek a new road that will lead to the emergence of a strong new big party that collects, and most of the people left of center, and all those citizens declaring themselves to be the birth of a new party's voters to clot and the center of the reformist left.
It is clear the intention of reducing the current fragmentation, the small fact that you want but not eliminate, but to merge into the new part contains so finally one political reality that may constitute a cohesive majority, a vector of instances new and shared.

to a good start but we must minimize the influence of political parties and enhance the most popular participation.

It therefore seems logical that this construction must take place in a climate free of extreme clarity from personal and ready for any sacrifice. This should come from the people and the people need to progress to its final fulfillment. People need to propose and dispose. Each step must be done through the popular consultation, which shall issue its decisions, without any prior imposition of the vertices.
Every party member must refrain from exercising any right of veto or the requirement, if you really want to turn the page. To bring about a genuinely new party math does not help. The old rates can only be seen as a hypothetical estimate of preferences and not be foreclosed or for anyone. There can be no faces, new ideas and even a new party if the current holders of power will not accept to take many steps back finally leaving this flower bloom all, in words, we want to give birth.

Mario Marin
Sec. IDV of Trieste

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Light Pink Mucus 12dpiui

ethics and moralizing function that is for the institutions.

The state, through its institutions and agencies, can and must play an important role ethics and moralizing. Any commercial use of public resources should definitely stand out from the privately run, in every choice and procedure, which should never serve the purposes of profit, but solely due to the interest and public welfare purposes. To this end, should always be placed in the clear transparency of procedures, compliance with the rules and skills, the full implementation in any activity, the rules that govern the employment even though belonging to companies and private operators who have a work contract.
For example, the institutions / companies / public bodies, should never outsource jobs or entire programs of work to private companies that are unable to prove that workers use regularly enrolled. Indeed, to give greater impact to the stabilization of uncertain employment, it could, in tenders, giving a rating to companies that use more workers with permanent contracts.
Each institution and public body that manages public money, is likely to play this important function.
The role that public spending could play in the ethical standards in the market is huge and it would recover well with the task of stimulating the formation of the "good economy" thus raising, market, justice, security and morality.
must stop with the media mockery of the cost of public management with its cost and benefits, with the story of the optimization of resources, with the business management of our money. Is not this what we want, not what he wants every taxpayer. Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
We want a management that takes into prominence RIGHT every aspect SOCIAL MORAL AND ETHICAL active labor with public money. Italy of Values \u200b\u200bWe want workers to have certainty about their work and therefore the public money should go only to those who can guarantee that. We of the values \u200b\u200bwe are willing to pay a little 'more about each work and public service if we know that this has led to stability of the salary of this month to a growing number of Italian families.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bWe believe that an economic loss of a body is really negative only if it has not been able to provide the necessary service to the most vulnerable citizens and if this happens, the restoration must take place not with a cutting spending but rather a increase in the budget provided. Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
We want to judge the balance of economic institutions, not through a guide to cold figures, but especially through the assessment of social benefits, products and induced, obtained through public spending. Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
We want a state that pursues the development of professional craft and fabric, to stimulate private initiative, which values \u200b\u200bthe indispensability of its public service where the individual can not and should not compete and leave any kind of patronage. We want a state that uses its resources in a virtuous way that makes real progress on the engine.
We do not need super manager that show us they spent less (often through accounting tricks), but we need people who demonstrate on the facts that it has worked for social and economic development of our country only in accordance with the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof our society that now seem forgotten by politics.

Mario Marin