Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ritetemp 8030c Screen Not Working

Euro .... That scam!

Remember the earthquake in Friuli? It was the evening of May 6, 1976, and I remember at twenty-six minutes the blow. Moments of fear, panic. A general stampede, scream and movie scenes. People on the street who looked with eyes full of fear and questions,
will be over? Come again?
Unfortunately it was not over, in the days following each news reports gave more and more terrible, devastating. Friuli was shocked, entire countries destroyed. The dead in continuous increase.
For a long time we have suffered the shock of the earthquake and additional information indicated by the terrifying news made it increasingly clear that the enormous disaster that had happened.

Well, I talked about the earthquake in Friuli because it is in perfect analogy to what has happened with the euro event.
For years, European governments were talking about public debt and necessary adjustments to the bottom of social spending for old-age pensions.
Each time, however, that a government tried to introduce some corrective trade unions (in my view rightly) the square and everything was unleashed. This has happened in France, Germany, Italy.
Suddenly, however, the European central banks are studying, for a better European integration, a new currency, the euro.
Nice name, we imagine a coin almost similar to that of the famous monopolies, the one with which you can buy everything there is on the board.
Euro now, slowly euro, euro to pound together. The banks say: EURO NOW.
we all think: nice, we'll go to Germany, France, Spain and elsewhere. always with the same coin, beautiful! No calculations for the change, no rip-off!

NO scam??

Unfortunately, like the earthquake, now we have not realized what had happened in an instant.
What WERE NOT ABLE TO DO WITH NATIONAL LEGISLATION did so at a stroke at European level!
The proposed change was a bit 'disturbing, 1936.27. ... To the euro. Well ... .1
for € 1936.27 lire seemed very detrimental to all but ensure that nothing changes, that is, the coffee bar which cost 900 pounds would have cost only 0.46 cents! Cool!
And the shoes from 100,000 lire ONLY 51.64 EURO! Cool!
But then we slowly realized that even our salary and pension suffered the same reduction, and slowly we understand well that the prices of goods did not stay still even if it seemed small (double rip-off!) Having regard to the division by two that led downward the new currency on the money.
The coffee bar will not cost more than 0.46 cents but exactly twice and shoes 51.64 € there is almost no more. While our wages and our pensions have remained exactly the same place!
fault of dealers! But sorry, if your salary does not increase and even worked for the ASL are increased ticket,?
If you have the same salary increases and we organize events and energy, rent, food, fuel, dealers are to have the blame or the entire economic system?
A price adjustment is a mechanism that is controlled by the shopkeeper in the house! All logical answers now that is determined at the European level or even global. If someone has a different data contexts as well such statements!

If the truth is that Italy was bankrupt and the only salvation was to the euro, then I explain why certain sectors of the population (CAST) were able to adapt their purchasing power and we poor mortals do not.
that unions finally tell us who and why we took such a rip off and why no one has spoken with sincerity until now!

They make a mess for the staircase that covers a limited number of cases and comparing damage to small and not a word, not a hint of protest about:
HALVED Compulsory payroll and pensions!!
It's about time we talk about it? What do you think?

Mario Marin
m.marin.ts @

Friday, November 16, 2007

Tires Grand Touring High Performance

Piazza Vittorio Veneto

really do not understand anything!

Trieste, a city famous for the "not if pol" Instead we see an administration that unleashed the cry of "throw it all down" is about to replace part of the furniture of this place after only four years after the restoration in full.

I understand there may be more or less motivated criticism on aesthetic outcome of the choices that were made. E 'is true, however, that everything is part of a project that won the race on all those present and then is in itself more than justified reason to stay in his place.

If we consider that the € 150,000 it would take to change their appearance, "no peanuts" , then the reasons for preserving what is still a decent furnishes this our square, become apparent. This administration

try to spend the money of citizens for more useful purposes (that there) and let that work be an unnecessary waste of resources in disregard of the many pressing needs that have this city.

Mario Marin

m.marin.ts @

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mens Days Of The Week Boxer Briefs


I am totally opposed to any form of breaches of the law.

If there is a clearly established need for implementation of special procedures that must be done within the limits in which every citizen must abide by.

In this particular case I see no need to give the drivers of blue car, special exceptions or special licenses of any kind.

The driver of the car blue must strictly follow, I would say even more closely the ordinary citizen, to the dictates of the road, as the carriage is representative of that state which has enacted its own this code.

I was not aware that the drivers of blue cars of members of parliament have already enjoyed an exemption to that effect, which I strongly condemn who see no plausible reason.

If there is real urgency, the escort of state police or Carabinieri, one can give the proper support and legally correct.

Mario Marin

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Teaching The Story Of Moses To Preschoolers

Democratic Party?

coalitions, both right and left, looking from hardening to eliminate too many conflicts that exist within them. The center-left coalition, the need to achieve a more appropriate win and govern, was forced to merge parties and ideas are very heterogeneous with rather negative consequences for the actions of government. This political situation has highlighted the need to seek a new road that will lead to the emergence of a strong new big party that collects, and most of the people left of center, and all those citizens declaring themselves to be the birth of a new party's voters to clot and the center of the reformist left.
It is clear the intention of reducing the current fragmentation, the small fact that you want but not eliminate, but to merge into the new part contains so finally one political reality that may constitute a cohesive majority, a vector of instances new and shared.

to a good start but we must minimize the influence of political parties and enhance the most popular participation.

It therefore seems logical that this construction must take place in a climate free of extreme clarity from personal and ready for any sacrifice. This should come from the people and the people need to progress to its final fulfillment. People need to propose and dispose. Each step must be done through the popular consultation, which shall issue its decisions, without any prior imposition of the vertices.
Every party member must refrain from exercising any right of veto or the requirement, if you really want to turn the page. To bring about a genuinely new party math does not help. The old rates can only be seen as a hypothetical estimate of preferences and not be foreclosed or for anyone. There can be no faces, new ideas and even a new party if the current holders of power will not accept to take many steps back finally leaving this flower bloom all, in words, we want to give birth.

Mario Marin
Sec. IDV of Trieste

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Light Pink Mucus 12dpiui

ethics and moralizing function that is for the institutions.

The state, through its institutions and agencies, can and must play an important role ethics and moralizing. Any commercial use of public resources should definitely stand out from the privately run, in every choice and procedure, which should never serve the purposes of profit, but solely due to the interest and public welfare purposes. To this end, should always be placed in the clear transparency of procedures, compliance with the rules and skills, the full implementation in any activity, the rules that govern the employment even though belonging to companies and private operators who have a work contract.
For example, the institutions / companies / public bodies, should never outsource jobs or entire programs of work to private companies that are unable to prove that workers use regularly enrolled. Indeed, to give greater impact to the stabilization of uncertain employment, it could, in tenders, giving a rating to companies that use more workers with permanent contracts.
Each institution and public body that manages public money, is likely to play this important function.
The role that public spending could play in the ethical standards in the market is huge and it would recover well with the task of stimulating the formation of the "good economy" thus raising, market, justice, security and morality.
must stop with the media mockery of the cost of public management with its cost and benefits, with the story of the optimization of resources, with the business management of our money. Is not this what we want, not what he wants every taxpayer. Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
We want a management that takes into prominence RIGHT every aspect SOCIAL MORAL AND ETHICAL active labor with public money. Italy of Values \u200b\u200bWe want workers to have certainty about their work and therefore the public money should go only to those who can guarantee that. We of the values \u200b\u200bwe are willing to pay a little 'more about each work and public service if we know that this has led to stability of the salary of this month to a growing number of Italian families.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bWe believe that an economic loss of a body is really negative only if it has not been able to provide the necessary service to the most vulnerable citizens and if this happens, the restoration must take place not with a cutting spending but rather a increase in the budget provided. Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
We want to judge the balance of economic institutions, not through a guide to cold figures, but especially through the assessment of social benefits, products and induced, obtained through public spending. Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
We want a state that pursues the development of professional craft and fabric, to stimulate private initiative, which values \u200b\u200bthe indispensability of its public service where the individual can not and should not compete and leave any kind of patronage. We want a state that uses its resources in a virtuous way that makes real progress on the engine.
We do not need super manager that show us they spent less (often through accounting tricks), but we need people who demonstrate on the facts that it has worked for social and economic development of our country only in accordance with the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof our society that now seem forgotten by politics.

Mario Marin

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Senior Week Specials In Ocean City Nj

Grand Prix on the ...

A reflection that seems important, concerns the dire need to restore the value system that has helped us grow and become a developed and rich country, but now he has forgotten the very foundations of its development that were rooted in the values \u200b\u200bhanded down by our culture.
I speak of extreme necessity not surprisingly, since every debate, every political and social reasons, which is exposed today, complaining about the loss of "values", identifying it as the greatest evil of our society and the very reason for its decline.
I agree with this analysis but would be good to find a solution beneficial to speak with clarity on what "values", especially to identify and then share them.
If there is a problem finding thousands of possible "values", reasoning based on a historical, cultural or political, the problem is with great evidence when you need to find a list in order of importance to these possible "values". My
reflection is then focused in finding the "lost value" to better interact with other values \u200b\u200bthat are fundamental to pin to start the restoration of many others.

In my opinion one of the most important is the "VALUE OF ABOUT.
This value must be a moral recognition and / or economic impact of individual and collective capacities that are expressed by the individual or a community, be it a company, a team of scientists, a voluntary association.

The recognition of the value of merit was slowly removed in the 60s and 70s under the influence of the labor movement supported the student movement, in contrast to an enterprise that exploited the meritocracy to divide the classes, focus on anti-union and anti-democratic attitudes, and used the prize to divide people between them. They were then phased out all the instruments of individual awards and was instead inserted in its place a concept of equality that homogenized the whole of society and scientific production, in a soup is no longer recognizable in its most valuable components.

The thrust of the best has always been invaluable to any company that grows and progresses.
E 'absolutely necessary to restore the recognition of the merits of those who work hard to improve his condition, of those who make risking his resources, who does his work a mission to serve society, people who obtain results useful to the community, who through his behavior is as beneficial for everyone, who has the ability to operate in precarious situations without burdening the company for its livelihood. The approval must go through a simple and transparent rules that allow the full affirmation of these principles. All of us must know when to stop encouraging friends and family to finally open the doors to recruit the best. We will not change anything unless we make room for excellence by continuing to promote mediocrity. We must aim to realize a true assessment system and shared can bring to light any possible potential, which can reward each person's value today is often ignored. This must be done in every area: from school to work, services, businesses, public or private life of every citizen. It must again be a strong feeling that the common practice of rewarding the best.

Our experience should help us restore this "value" by eliminating the possibility of restoring the old negative deviations as well, but if we really want to give new life and new impetus to all activities and positive energy, we must be able to reward those who are able to develop it. We must say clearly that the "best" are our champions and point to them to break the stalemate and inefficiency. This value can be of help to improve the quality of services, the containment of expenditure, improving the functioning of public and private companies, to reduce tax evasion. If this project will have the necessary support and especially the allocation of resources be sufficient to support it, will give the decisive push that will lead us finally out of the morass of dishonesty and cronyism finally routing the road to clear and robust real progress made through the guide competent and successful of the most 'GOOD.

Mario Marin
IDV Trieste

Friday, February 16, 2007

Watch Bangbbus Episodes For Free

Fines, penalties and fines yet.

In a system collapsed, what is our national road system, a fine of no parking and other such, it has become exclusively a forced levy of money to citizens motorists. A NEW CHARGE.

The penalty is expected to act as a deterrent discouraging the continuation of the offense. In this case, parking in no parking, however, is not only due to lack of civic education or for the sake of transgression, but only because it is now impossible, in our cities, to find available parking spaces. The prices of new covered garage astonishing figures are arrived at € 40,000 for a parking space. It makes one suspect that someone makes money in maintaining this continuing lack of parking spaces in cities. It also suspects that the town is not at all disappointed that the continuing crisis in the light of large collections.
fair and honest municipal administration should set out with determination to a reduction in annual fixed percentage of this income to justify the costs with which the municipality deals with the problem and therefore the continuous monitoring of its actions. It 'absolutely clear that if the problem is growing substantially, ie more fines each year, it means that actions are ineffective or poorly productive for citizenship. The introduction of an annual percentage rate of improvement (eg, 20% of fines in less than a year for no parking) would force the council to finally take new actions to the real solution of the problem.
Mario Marin

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How To Cover Up Herpes Outbreak

What contribution can the base of the party at the local level, choices of national character? The Cave of

There are the needs of various kinds at the national level then going to affect precise and restricted areas of our territory.
The same working method, which is desirable for the national government that is consulting, municipalities, provinces and regions on the issues of territory, it must be implemented in the same way from the party.
In my opinion, every choice that is reflected by our party at the national level and then go on to influence much territory should begin with direct activation of local bodies of the party and they should develop the treatment of the problem. After that, nationally, the party could express themselves fully in order to mediate what has been transmitted from the territory with the logistical needs and / or national policies. If this concept were applied consistently, the base would feel always share the decisions taken on its territory and which has a responsibility that is now lacking, perhaps, also implementing the harmonization between the head and body, required to make good any body.
The party, in my opinion, should be articulated in such a way as to immediately intervene in local problems, its territorial structures. Must recognize their importance, giving autonomy for discussion and determination, in accordance with democratic skills with each other. The party must coordinate the policies of the territory, taking the organization through all the basic information, suggestions and determinations of the Provincial and Regional Managers who will then be invested directly in the choices. The base must be able to have immediate access through its vertices, to each organization in which the party is participating . There
are local problems that can not be discussed and clarified at local level.
A closer connection between the base and summit, will promote the intellectual and political growth of the local garrisons, will generate continued participation and contribute to the construction of the large glass house idealized by our party and necessary for the renewal of the policy.

Mario Marin
IDV Trieste

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tent Trailer Saskatchewan


to our land this is a wound that many try not to heal.
Who can explain to someone why the atrocities of war?
Still, in various parts world will continue to commit the same atrocities with the 'absolute tolerance of various governments so-called "democratic" the world.
That said I do not want to imply any desire to cover the havoc made but I want to say that it seems useless to foster and boost now, the facts that we were atrocious, but belong to a now distant past.
With Europe pulling down all borders, neighboring countries become part of that territory expansion there has always been missing. with neighboring countries, the new Europe offers us the opportunity to find synergies and develop alliances never have before. It seems to me that just when many doors open, you want to rebuild post-conflict situations absurdly that certainly does not promote the good relations that are now vital for us.
You had to clarify the sinkholes? might have been better than later. Italy If these things have not been conveyed, there is nobody here that we do not know. If the government now wants to give attention, so be it, but it still seems a bit 'late.
I believe that we should now try to share a painful story, with the republics of former Yugoslavia finding points of agreement and condemnation of what happened, but especially with this, find new reasons to create development and prosperity finally mutual for our land. Posted by

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cheats Para Chaos Black

policy be changed?

past, governments, legislatures pass, pass the republics and the discontent remains.
What you can not change Italy?
not change the arrogance of power, which continues to put politics characters of dubious morality and honesty , which legislates that give impunity to criminals , which uses public money for electoral purposes, that never exhausts its voracity with ever-increasing salaries and bonuses.
Surely those who elected these people would not want these outcomes, the promises were very different!
Here This is the central problem of all, the total disconnection between those who administer and its voters. It is possible that after being elected the politician should no longer be accountable to its electorate. You have to create channels of communication between the summit and its base with rules that allow monitoring of what the Summit is being decided. This must occur at every level and restore true democracy and collegiality. The Italians are tired of suffering and this is seen in many extreme actions that can be read in the newspapers, burn camps, establish security services night between citizens, the street cleaners strike in Naples because they do not work!
Each employee shall be invested by this problem and we Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfirst. Place in the middle legality, transparency, collegiality, justice, ethics and TRUE AND RULES PREREQUISITES to respect and ensure respect for all. Started to claim that all decisions are formulated from the bottom and arrive at the summit. The only way to implement real change, implementing the synergy they need Startup and pushed to preserve the positive energy coming from the people, free from the lobby and by the consortia of power. Posted by

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Earning Something Brampton

It starts .....

Start the lives of this area dedicated to members and sympathizers of the party Italy of Values. We wanted to create this space for discussion that gives voice directly to the base IDV used to convey and discuss with simple ideas, proposals and issues inside and outside the party. Referring to
'that will become increasingly important in Internet time, clearly expressed by our president, Antonio Di Pietro, many members throughout Italy we wanted to raise our voice and our presence in the area using these new technologies.
Spread this blog may amount to a new and modern aggregation and communication between our members Is an additional attraction for our supporters, giving an example of democracy and transparency are fundamental pillars of our party.
conclude by wishing all a good job in recommending the maximum fairness and good manners in action. Posted by