past, governments, legislatures pass, pass the republics and the discontent remains.
What you can not change Italy?
not change the arrogance of power, which continues to put politics characters of dubious morality and honesty , which legislates that give impunity to criminals , which uses public money for electoral purposes, that never exhausts its voracity with ever-increasing salaries and bonuses.
Surely those who elected these people would not want these outcomes, the promises were very different!
Here This is the central problem of all, the total disconnection between those who administer and its voters. It is possible that after being elected the politician should no longer be accountable to its electorate. You have to create channels of communication between the summit and its base with rules that allow monitoring of what the Summit is being decided. This must occur at every level and restore true democracy and collegiality. The Italians are tired of suffering and this is seen in many extreme actions that can be read in the newspapers, burn camps, establish security services night between citizens, the street cleaners strike in Naples because they do not work!
Each employee shall be invested by this problem and we Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfirst. Place in the middle legality, transparency, collegiality, justice, ethics and TRUE AND RULES PREREQUISITES to respect and ensure respect for all. Started to claim that all decisions are formulated from the bottom and arrive at the summit. The only way to implement real change, implementing the synergy they need Startup and pushed to preserve the positive energy coming from the people, free from the lobby and by the consortia of power. Posted by
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