Start the lives of this area dedicated to members and sympathizers of the party Italy of Values. We wanted to create this space for discussion that gives voice directly to the base IDV used to convey and discuss with simple ideas, proposals and issues inside and outside the party. Referring to
'that will become increasingly important in Internet time, clearly expressed by our president, Antonio Di Pietro, many members throughout Italy we wanted to raise our voice and our presence in the area using these new technologies.
'that will become increasingly important in Internet time, clearly expressed by our president, Antonio Di Pietro, many members throughout Italy we wanted to raise our voice and our presence in the area using these new technologies.
Spread this blog may amount to a new and modern aggregation and communication between our members Is an additional attraction for our supporters, giving an example of democracy and transparency are fundamental pillars of our party.
conclude by wishing all a good job in recommending the maximum fairness and good manners in action. Posted by
conclude by wishing all a good job in recommending the maximum fairness and good manners in action. Posted by
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